Walter Isaacson on the Innovative Genius

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Ben Franklin, Albert Einstein, Steve Jobs: their relentless curiosity and drive to create resulted in cornerstones of discovery and invention that continue to move our world forward.

Former CNN chairman and bestselling author Walter Isaacson discusses the genius of creativity that's exemplified by these three extraordinary men. What did they have in common? Where did their individuality and drive come from? Where does eccentricity end and genius begin? And can the world nurture creative geniuses of this caliber today?

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Good talk about how being genius doesn’t always correlate to insecurity in one’s abilities. There isn’t a lot of truth in the idea that as you know more, you somehow gain humility


The Calculus of Actuality Conception, reciprocation-recirculation i-reflection resonance in prime-cofactor shell-horizon logarithmic condensation-coordination reference-framing, quantization chemistry is a "half-truth" of WYSIWYG QM-TIME resonance, you only see the surface like the surface-landscape of Earth in proximity and the CMB in the maximum distance observable, floating in flat-space ground-state No-thing-defined vanishing point Singularity positioning.

Clocks measure relative-timing ratio-rates Perspective Principle, Logarithmic Time Duration Timing modulation interference positioning, amplitude-frequency density-intensity resonance bonding chemistry and reciprocal wave-particle distance, seen as holography-quantization, so mass-energy-momentum continuous creation cause-effect connection, Eternity-now Interval Conception is what you see, not quite what you think you see, it's mono-dualistic continuous shell-horizons of Singularity-point Lensing Partitioning of prime-cofactor wave-packaging, I don't have enough mental practice to imagine the problem in terms of Superspin Calculus and expect the people who are reading SiFi to get the picture right by sense-in-common shared conscious awareness.


This man is trying to make money, he offers information that are not facts, much fiction, don't waste your time!


This genius worship is the problem. Just enjoy your life, play with your socks 🧦, pet a rat, all will follow if you love ❤️😃


I loved his biography of Benjamin Franklin. I discovered Benjamin Franklin when I was reading the biography of Alexander hamilton since his name was mentioned a few times in it :)


Franklin was a polymath in a way that none of the other subjects were. A biography of Mendel or Darwin might be interesting. Maybe difficult subjects to tackle from the standpoint of lack of material; at least, on the part of Mendel.


No one will become the next Steve Jobs by trying to become like Steve Jobs. That's the sort of divine irony of it all.


Einstein's failure was his speculation that the speed of light is a constant. Space does NOT have a speed limit!


12:37 "Its almost as bad as Microsoft machine" 🤣🤣🤣


Excellent speaker, fascinating content.


If someone commented upon being shown a circuit board I had designed that the components are not aligned in a linear fashion, I would immediately think, “This person has no knowledge of electric circuit theory / electronics.” There are situations when one needs to worry about the placement of components and how their electric fields might interact. But, it is definitely not so simple as just making sure that an array of chips are aligned.


would the world be worse without steve jobs? For me the answer is no.
