Next.js 13 Tutorial #51 || Mastering Redux Tool Kit (RTK) with Next.js 13 and Building To-do App
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Here's what's in store:
🌟 Introducing Redux Toolkit: Discover the power of Redux Toolkit, a library that simplifies the complexities of traditional Redux while maintaining its strengths. Say goodbye to boilerplate code!
🔄 Data Flow: Understand the data flow in Redux Toolkit, ensuring that your application's state remains predictable and easy to debug.
📦 Redux Persist: Explore Redux Persist to keep your app's state intact even after refreshing the page or navigating away, providing a seamless user experience.
⚙️ DevTools Integration: Learn how to leverage Redux DevTools to inspect and time-travel through your app's state changes, making debugging a breeze.
Next.js 13 Tutorial #51 || Mastering Redux Tool Kit (RTK) with Next.js 13 and Building To-do App
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