Are donkeys the right animal for you?

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Thanks for mentioning dog safety. A lot of people don’t realize that horses and donkeys can view dogs as predators. My horse became dog-aggressive after being bitten in the face by a dog. As a result, he would try to lunge at, bite, and strike dogs that got too close to him. I had to explain to more than a few people that, while their dog might be friendly, my horse was not.


Excellent - and very *helpful* - advice! Loving donkeys doesn’t equate to being *ABLE* to take care of them. Because I love donkeys, I’d never own a couple - I don’t have the ability to properly take care of them. Wonderful creatures!


I would love too rescue one. I have the facilities but my health isn't good enough to care for one. The last auction I attended 20 years ago had a dozen grand canyon donkeys for $25 a piece. One beautiful soul had lost his ears to frostbite. I've never forgotten or gotten over him. I never went to another auction because of him. Beautiful creatures.


I had 2 donkeys;a mother & daughter. They were hands down the sweetest, most intelligent animals ive ever owned! We had 3 horses, and they loved the horses, but really had the best time with eachother. Playful, loyal, protective & laid back, they even figured out how to open locks, gates ;analytical & sure footed. Cant say enough nice things about them!


I would love to have donkeys - they are amazing. I am 67 and could never keep up with the physical demands, but one can dream.


I will never have a donkey of my own 😭. I need a donkey rescue close to me so I can volunteer and get my donkey fix


Donkeys are so wonderfull! I remember a short video where a girl calls her donkeys name and from far you hear it shouting and then from far away the donkey appears running and shouting in satisfaction to see the girl again. Same like a dog seeing his owner after some time. And the joy screams when the donkey then fell into her arms was so cute.


As an apartment dweller thank you for sharing your donkey


Excellent advice. Donkeys thrive when they have another donkey "friend".


excellent video!!! I've been asked to be the guardian of two donkeys and told it won't require much from me. They live 30 minutes away and I would be responsible for their training. Your highlighting the responsibility and their dependence upon the caretaker could not be overemphasized.


Nunca había escuchado a nadie hablar de las necesidades de los burros para su bienestar y felicidad.
Yo quería uno pero me doy cuenta de que no le puedo dar todo lo que necesita.
Eso me pone triste pero a la vez contento porque se que no le hare daño a ninguno y porque ahora se que lo que debo conseguir para darle lo mejor a un par de ellos.

Muchas gracias por tu generosidad y bondad.

He had never heard anyone talk about the needs of donkeys for their well-being and happiness.
I wanted one but I realize that I can't give him everything he needs.
That makes me sad but at the same time happy because I know that I will not harm anyone and because now I know what I must achieve to give the best to a couple of them.

Thank you very much for your generosity and kindness.


I have 6 forever donkeys. I think ya'll are doing a wonderful job. I would like to add what I did for the last thing talked about in the video. I replaced all exterior fencing with wire that a dog can not come through. 3 of my Jack's are very aggressive towards k-9s and many years ago had a close call when a neighbors dog got out. The dog was friendly coming to me in the paddock, my Jack's spotted the dog before I did and took out after the dog. Lucky for the dog the the donkeys stopped when I ask. But none where happy when I grabbed the dog by the collar and began leading him out the paddock. The dog knew me well, and was seeking attention. Not an issues that I worry about now.


One day I hope to rescue two, or three, or four, or more donkeys. They are so affectionate, sociable and smart. And just like my lifelong commitment I made to my horses, they will always have a forever home with me.

Ps- Thank you for the very informative video!!!


Thank you for being a great human for these animals. I love it, and I would love to visit.


Gosh there is nothing sweeter than these donkeys! Just beautiful and such a loving rescue. Such great info and advice too :)


I like how, while she’s doing the explaining and changes takes, the visual is always her petting another donkey.
There’s a subliminal message here: add lots of love to everything you do.


DONKEYS are the sweetest, most precious of creatures!! I 💓Love, 💓Love, 💓Love DONKEYS!!!!


Well, If I wasn't often away I'd love a pair. I think these are splendid critters. Also, this is a very complete and logical presentation. You're doing what you were meant for. Thanks!


Great Video and awesome information!
Unfortunately I was wrong about everything I thought I knew about donkeys!


that was one of the best videos i have seen! donkeys can be the worst and the best animals to have ours were great. we would walk down to the creek and they just followed and ate for a time the three never left each other until it was work time all they did was pull kids in a cart and on a sled. we never rode them.
good job
