Playing Future World Chess Champion Ding Liren

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On Jan. 8, 2019, I had the pleasure of facing World #4, GM Ding Liren of China! This game was played in Week 1 of the online PRO Chess League in the Minnesota Blizzard vs. Chengdu Pandas match. The time control was 15 minutes with a 2 second increment. It was enormous privilege to play Mr. Ding, and I hope you enjoy my thoughts and analysis. UPDATE: On Apr. 29, 2023, Ding defeated Ian Nepomiachtchi to become the undisputed World Chess Champion! CONGRATULATIONS to him!!

[Event "Live Chess"]
[Date "2019.01.08"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Fins0905"]
[Black "Chefshouse"]
[ECO "D85"]
[WhiteElo "2439"]
[BlackElo "2804"]
[PlyCount "122"]
[EventDate "2019.01.08"]

1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 g6 3. Nc3 d5 4. cxd5 Nxd5 5. e4 Nxc3 6. bxc3 Bg7 7. Qa4+ Qd7 8. Bb5 c6 9. Be2 O-O 10. Qa3 b6 11. Nf3 c5 12. O-O cxd4 13. cxd4 Bb7 14. Qe3 Nc6 15. Bb2 Rac8 16. Rab1 e6 17. Rfd1 Na5 18. d5 exd5 19. Bxg7 Kxg7 20. exd5 Qd6 21. Ng5 Rfe8 22. Qd4+ Qf6 23. Ne4 Qxd4 24. Rxd4 Red8 25. Rbd1 Rc2 26. Bf3 Rxa2
27. h4 Rc2 28. h5 Nc4 29. Ra1 Rxd5 30. Rxd5 Bxd5 31. Rxa7 Ne5 32. hxg6 hxg6 33. Ng5 Nxf3+ 34. Nxf3 b5 35. Rd7 Bxf3 36. gxf3 b4 37. Rb7 Rc4 38. Kg2 g5 39. Kf1 Kg6 40. Ke2 f6 41. Rb5 Rf4 42. Ke3 Kf7 43. Rb6 Ke7 44. Ke2 Kd7 45. Rb8 Kc6 46. Ke3 Kc5 47. Rc8+ Kb5 48. Ke2 Ka4 49. Ke3 Ka3 50. Ke2 b3 51. Ra8+ Ra4 52. Rb8 b2
53. Kd2 Ka2 54. Kc2 Rc4+ 55. Kd3 Rc5 56. Ra8+ Kb1 57. Kd2 Rd5+ 58. Ke2 Kc2 59. Rc8+ Kb3 60. Rb8+ Kc3 61. Rb7 Rd4

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Just updated the title! 😀CONGRATULATIONS to Ding!!


Ben Finegold on hypermodern chess:
„Hypermodern chess is when you let your opponent take the centre, and instead you play on the wings, with moves like fianchettoing your bishops, c4/f4, etc. And then you resign”


i realized that you are the kindest and one of the best chess youtuber in youtube that help us to improve our game and i think this channel will have a good future. good luck.


Amazing experience.

Playing against anyone in the top 10 in the world in any sphere of sport or endeavour is phenomenal in a world of +7, 000, 000, 000 souls.


I love that little technique with the rook, anchoring the doubled pawns and defending everything. So instructive!


Now you know how your opponents in climbing the rating ladder feel



Been watching your comtent for years now. I really like your respect for the game and appreciate your humility. Always a pleasure to learn from you. Thanks for doing this. It is much appreciated.


at first I thought you can see in future by looking at title, later saw your 1st comment !! Great video as always.


Came for the game. Stayed for the flannel.


been following the channel for a few years, good to see you nearing 100k John, you totaly deserve it and it's been long overdue. I agree with the comment below, that before watching it, even though it's a 4th rated GM world, I always believe you can win, that's how gr8 you are bro! Cheers


Well played and great explanation. Thanks. Hope you get to 100k soon


John how proud does it make you as a IM to battle evenly with the #4 rated player in the world? That has to boost your confidence! Great instructive video.


Well played, John. Ya went down swinging. Always a pleasure to watch your content. Cheers!


Great game John!! I saw this one live and thought you did very well given the speed and accuracy with which ding played, particularly after qd4+. It was amazing to watch him whip out such strong moves so effortlessly. Glad you made the most of it!


You are a good role model because despite the strength of Ding you were "spoiling for a fight." You are always ready to play your absolute best and confident enough to go toe-to-toe with #4 in the world.
If not for the fans or anyone, but for yourself and your chess. #confidence


Ding Liren is now ranked 3rd in the world, in every time control. He's a serious contender for the World Championship, as he matches up well with Magnus Carlsen.


_What kind of dark magic is this Potter_


Gray game John! Loved all the insight into your mentality while playing especially, so thorough and never a dull moment in 40 minutes. Only bad thing was I wish you could have recorded and commentated live too and so we can see exactly how long every move took!

Watch for ding Liren if he's not already on your radar? Last month he just broke the longest game unbeaten streak that was held by Tal by getting 100 unbeaten games against the strongest opponents ever, and he's one of only 4 players ranked over 2800 right now, and only like 10-15 players in all of chess history has gotten over 2800.. It's a very exclusive club.. There's probably more world champs than 2800+ players. And IMO, he's the best current future challenger to Carlsen after caruana lost.

How can he not be on a chess fans radar? Even more so because of his uncompromising aggressive and creative style.


Hey John. I bought your chessable essential London system video one. Looking forward to it. I only bought it because I knew how well u explain things and how much I enjoy watching you. Thanks man keep up the awesome content!


Excellent attempt! Petty darn impressive to play Liren at all!
