hit Kdrama director PLOT TWIST?

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Have y’all noticed how bullying scandals are becoming more common than dating scandals- and it’s scary 😭🤚


Ngl...I feel like, although ironic, he has brought attention to the victims of bullying.


Defending his girlfriend is different than bullying. Now, we all want the full story


It's like one of the episodes in the series Tomorrow where a school bully became an author of a famous book against bullying


Korean netizens seem to me to be the biggest bully out there. They seem to just lay in the weeds waiting for someone to get successful, then launch the anonymous internet attacks.


I'm not sure how I should feel about this. Maybe he felt guilty of what he did, and decided to fix the best way he can, by preventing bullies from bullying other people


I thought he protected his girlfriend from being teased, and hurt others protecting his girlfriend. Isn't he suppose to protect her from her bullies as a good boyfriend?


I love that bullies are facing justice as grown ups like this and getting their careers affected


Ahh...that's why the series is soo wonderful. We can see the real real bad side of bullies. And that's how he pulled off this series so well.


Anyone watch the k drama Tomorrow? isn’t this like a plot from it? In the show, the school bully wrote a famous webtoon about bullying and then the person they’re trying to help was a victim of her I think


He should have come forward, taken full responsibility, apologized, and said that he’s doing the show because he feels guilty about being a bully in his past. But clearly he doesn’t feel guilty.


People dont care about those times when he was a student
Even though he may be a bully at that time, he might change his characters in a good way
So you just can't hate someone for being a bully 500 years ago
He might be a good person now


People who are saying that this series are his redemption arc: then he would have came forward aboit that even before other people said it. Instead he denied it the first time and explained away the second. I dont think hes sorry, i dont think he realises that he is a bully, not some blown out of proportion cartoonish drama villian, and i dont think him doing this drama is in a good taste or will result in realistic and helpful potrayal of bullying - again, he doesnt realise he is a bully, he explains what he did away, he cant potray it realistically and helpfully for people who do it and who suffer from it


You know what's baffling? How quickly people will defend bullies. 'he grew up', 'she matured and learned from mistakes'. The Glory only showed how you can be a sh!tty teenager and an awful adult. I know people can grow and many definitely do but there's always this underlying possibility that they are just not that nice. Especially when it comes to public figures like celebrities or idols because we can only see the persona they choose to present. I think that's why many fans have hard time believing they could be bullies when there's some scandal


I need more info about this to make an oppinion, what did he do exactly and what is his opinion about this drama now? Was he the scripter as well? Has he changed over the years or did he denied at first because he thought it was untouchable?

I'm glad he admitted it tough


A similar situation like this is addressed in the kdrama tomorrow's first ep. The bully in that drama wrote a hit webtoon about a victim's revenge against bullies while she also badly bullied a girl. I really don't know how to feel about these two though.


I don't want to take away from the bullying committed, but people can change, and realize what they did in the past was wrong and try to make amends through current actions.
The fact he denied it first is suspicious, but not enough to deny the message of his work.


idk why I am saying this but wanted to ...
People who bully others don't remember that in later years but the person who got bullied will remember that person till the end ( it's not that they remember or think about it everytime but it's just can't forget that part of life if they visit their past )


I mean, the worst part is that he kept on denying it... Had he said, yes they're true and apologised, said he's learned from it, people probably would have let it go (well actually maybe I'm being too hopeful since we're talking about knetz a.k.a the worst bullies)


Off topic but the way she says "Phillipines" is so satisfying to hear lol
