Learner Story: Building a New Career in Data Science

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After finishing her BS in 2010, Charlotte Stevens found an entry level position as a data analyst. She dreamed of pursuing a more rewarding career, but her current role didn’t offer the training or development opportunities she needed. Realizing that she needed to take her future into her own hands, she joined Coursera and enrolled in a data analysis course from Johns Hopkins University.

Six months later, she had a job she was passionate about and was earning more than twice her original salary. She moved from her apartment to a house, and began supporting her younger siblings. From there, she went on to a Master’s degree and a job as a senior data scientist at a startup, where she mentors younger analysts as they complete Coursera courses. She hopes to start her own company in the near future. ------

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It’s the way of the future a customizable education the old way of education will disappear


Learned nothing about a data scientist besides knowing they have a good salary. Come on guys, try a little bit harder to give content :/


coursera how can cancel one course after i Regeisterer any help becouse i regester 2course at soam time


I am Msc in analytical chemistry . How to switch to data science


Import sklearn, pandas, numpy, metaplotlib am data scientist thanks to python


I call BS, I bet she has a degree in math or even some advanced post graduate degree in math or computer science. A Coursera certificate isn't enough to get you into the data science profession unless you already have some advanced accredited training in maths. .


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please I need help
can you help me in my stadia
