Deborah Frincke: Cybersecurity in the Quantum Age | WIRED Pulse: Quantum

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Deborah Frincke is the Associate Laboratory Director for National Security Sciences at Oak Ridge National Laboratory in the United States. In this session from WIRED Pulse: Quantum, Deborah investigates the potential impact quantum computers could have on cybersecurity.

“Those that need to pay the most attention are those that are putting their algorithms into their encryptions”.

Because of their ability to quickly factor large numbers, quantum computers could crack the encryption algorithms that secure the world’s digital information, and there’s a global race to develop new quantum-proof encryption algorithms.

About WIRED Pulse: Quantum 2021
WIRED Pulse: Quantum breaks down the complex topic of quantum computing through a series of top-level talks and explore the technology that is transforming medicine, breaking encryption and revolutionising communications and artificial intelligence.

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