Steve Perry’s Yoko Ono.. Sherrie Swafford?

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In this video I take a close look at Steve Perrys relationship with Sherrie Swafford.. and I ask the question - did she ultimately break up Journey?

#steveperry #journey #sherrie
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Steve recently admitted being involved with a rock star is 'no walk in the park' as you can imagine if you are the significant other in such a relationship. He defended Sherrie with this comment and I highly respect him for such candor. Love and family are far more important than fame.


I'm a nurse and have been associated with internal medicine for a number of years.
I had a seat next to the stage for the 'Raised on Radio' tour in Austin Texas. Even then, I could hear Steve forcing air through his damaged and inflamed larynx. He had worked it too hard - too many gigs too close together for too long and it was really showing. He sounded great still - but I knew he couldn't go on like that. It was the end. It didn't surprise me when shortly after that he decided to take a break - that became the extend lapse in tours toward the end. Even today, you can hear the damage done by forcing his voice too often and too much. We still love him...


What about Neil and Jonathon pressuring Steve to have hip replacement surgery? It’s my understanding that Steve felt the decision should have been his … not a group decision. Hip replacement surgery back then was a really big deal. Not so much today. The bottom line is Neil and Jonathon had already been through several relationships themselves including failed marriages and Neil getting caught cheating. I heard Neil say in an interview that Steve would leave right after the show to be with Sherrie, but Steve also did it to stay away from the drinking/partying/ girls etc. He also needed to rest his voice. Steve said that singers don’t perform well at all if they’re out parting and such before they perform. The other band members could get away with it. Also, Neil was always challenging Steve to reach or surpass the super high notes Neil played on the guitar. They never lowered the octave. Even Arnel is now struggling a bit to hit those notes. Anyway, Steve was trying to hold a relationship together with Sherrie in spite of everyone else. Cuz if the music/fame should end I’m thinking he really wanted to have a private life. I heard him say in an interview that he had thought about a life with a wife, kids, minivan … all of it as well as doing something associated with music. Luckily he does have a daughter and two grandchildren particularly since he is an only child. It may never happen, but I would sure like to see Steve in concert. Keeping my fingers crossed.


And he never got over it...he took the end of their relationship hard as well as his mom's passing shortly after...listen to so many of his songs (the lyrics say it all altho he uses double meanings in most of them to make them TIMELESS at the same time...his genius in my opinon) but he sings many songs about his love and relationship with her. The others are all about the problems and regrets, reminiscing about the band...even Traces...he's a huge sentimental guy...almost every song he's written (co-written) has been about Sherrie, the band or his mom...all the things that have impacted his life the most...but done in a way that you can interpret it in several different ways and relate it to your own life...that's the genius of his song writing IMHO ...and I'm all here for it😍😎🎶🤙=^..^=


Its too bad that things went sour. But what did these guys think was going to eventually happen, to all of them. He couldnt continue this way forever. Just a matter of time that life long relationships would develop. Finding someone to grow old with is important. Its just to bad this wasnt the one for Steve.


Sherrie wasn't willing to be in the video! Steve said that he 'begged' her to be in it, because it was her song.
Also you need to remember. Life on the road was indeed pretty hard. Always touring, doing big concerts with 3 or 4 headliners with Journey being the main headliner!
However, the breakup with Sherrie was very hard on Perry. And not to mention, dealing with the illness of his mom. Fly to her (mom) and then back on the road! And then losing her sometime before or during the first part of the 1986 world tour! That's a heavy load right there


As with most great artists, you have to accept the complicated layers of their lives - their lovers influence - drugs & alcohol - business & money issues - their insecurities and character flaws. All of this together is a person who expresses their individuality through music - warts and all.


You know, everyone seems to think Oh Sherrie is a romantic song. The chorus is nice, but the verses say it all. It was a troubled, challenging relationship full of hurt and yes, I think it put a strain on the band members' relationships. From what I've read, they didn't like her and she didn't like them and made it known. I also just recently read about the girl from Separate Ways (after seeing all the parodies!) and apparently, Sherrie gave Steve a really hard time about it. So, he wrote the song to placate her. I'd be heartbroken if someone wrote a song like that about me. Her presence definitely drove a wedge between Steve and the rest of the band. I don't know about breaking them up but maybe as a ripple effect, they were never again what they once were, which could then have ultimately led to their demise.


Agree 100%!!! Those " Oh, Sherrie" LYRICS tell the state their relationship was in....and it wasn't good.Sherrie could have put herself to better use by "staying with Steve's Mother Mary, while she fought that debilitating neuromuscular disease.She could have helped provide caregiver duties, kept STEVE INFORMED while on the road, and help Marv Rottman, Steve's step-dad get a break from 24/7 caregiver duties. Sherrie was so jealous and afraid of GROUPIES STEALING HER MAN! After 5 1/2 years of dating Steve, Sherrie jumps ship in July, 1985. Steve's Mother dies December, 1985. Every LYRIC on the ROR album in 1986 is about heartache, heartbreak, loss, insecurity, relationship failure, love gone south, etc. Steve also seemed " wild -eyed" [ substance abuse] at many of the live ROR concerts.He was officially finished with touring, JOURNEY, burnout, grief, broken 💔 heart, and a somewhat unhappy relationship with Journey manager Herbie Herbert.Steve has always avoided the marriage deal because he's afraid of COMMITTMENT.
In my OPINION, Steve Perry WASTED the best years of his life for singing [87-18] by allowing his RECLUSIVE/LONER personality to control him in every area of his life.


I don't think that this can be blamed on Swafford or Perry. Love is a good thing to have for any person. I think it is just hard to balance a loving relationship with a touring band of business friends. Imagine having to leave your wife/girlfriend for six months and go touring on the road with other women throwing themselves at you. It takes a very special and understanding woman, that really doesn't exist. No woman really wants to share that way, and I don't blame them. So, you can't blame Swafford, nor Perry for loving her. At some point, unfortunately, you just have to move on. It's sad, but that's love for a rock star.


Well she inspired him to write 2 great solo songs — “Oh Sherrie” and “Missing You”. She toured with him for close to 6 years.


All I can say is when you’re e young, jealousy may seem like a compliment, but it’s not. Jealousy is an obsession sneed to possess someone. You just can’t walk into an an established musicians life, adored by so many, and deny fans access to him. She had to have had a job, or outside interests before he came along. I can see going on tour with him sometimes, but give the guy a chance to be part of the band. The way she sounds, she lives off of him. When jealousy rears it’s head, run, don’t walk to the nearest exit!


It is so easy to blame that poor girl for the band difficulties. Perry mentionned often that he was not happy by these never ending exhausting tours, that he would have been more happy to have some time off. They were in love and had never time together. How can you blame that girl who just want to be with his man?

So they broke up, Steve kept on touring even if he was completely toasted and the band split not long after ... I think if all the members would have spent more time apart from each other between their albums and their touring, the band would have last longer with Steve on their side ....


Steve Perry got tired, traveling and being on the road isn’t fun. I don’t blame him.


I love, adore, STEVE PERRY, I love all his songs except one …………that song is “ OH SHERRY “ But now to hear another women couldn’t be on the set ? Stupid and sad !


I think you’re so right. If it had been me and a million other girls; I’d have been cooking. Cleaning. Laughing. Doing everything I coukd do to help the band out every minute. I’d make them all love me and give Steve a million reasons to love me!!! It’s crazy that she didn’t try harder and be mature enough to see how bad Steve was suffering. Especially with Steve’s momma sick. I’d have been there helping his momma too!!


I believe she was a good part of it. When you’re insecure in a relationship you tend to jealous and start acting on it. I’m sure she knew this was part of the groups job and that a female would pop up in one of the videos. Most of the songs were ballads.


That time in 1985 had to be the saddest and loneliest time in Steve's life. I felt so bad for him 😢. I know that it takes Two sides to every story. But at that time what Steve was going through he didn't need a bunch of chaos and drama at that moment. Sherri should been more understanding . And concerned about Steve's feeling then . Instead of being jealous about his job. Steve Perry was and is A Rock Star. Fans yes ladies are going to try to tempt him everyday .Everware he goes temptations are there. She already had him she had what we ladies wanted and we still want Steve. I would of killed to have been in her shoes. I wander if she has any regrets. Steve Perry is only human he has fault like all men. He isn't perfect l think that l could of lived with whatever problems he had. He said that they were crazy mad in love. Wow l would love to hear Steve Perry say something like that about me Some people just don't know how lucky and blessed they were. I still praying to meet him to this day 🙏🙏🙏💋💋❤️❤️. In Cleveland Ohio forever and always a Steve Perry fan.


Excellent video mate, as usual uou put everything into it


I don’t have any thoughts really. Aside from she seemed to be doted on and I think ultimately jealousy and insecurities got the best of the relationship.
