A Collector's Dream: Unboxing Over 40+ Unique Cacti! 🌵

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Welcome to my most diverse cactus haul ever! In this video, I'll be unboxing a variety of unique and beautiful cacti. I'll add the scientific names of each cactus on the screen so you can easily look them up if you're interested.
Recommended Seller (Philippines)
Featured Cacti:
0:00 Intro
0:28 Rebutia mentosa
0:58 Parodia magnifica
1:31 Coleocephalocereus aureus subsp. brevicylindricus
1:57 Mammillaria rekoi subsp. leptacantha
2:26 Parodia scopa
2:51 Gymnocalycium hortsii
3:31 Mammillaria rhodantha subsp. pringlei f. cristata
3:58 Sulcorebutia menesesii
4:27 Melocactus matanzanus
5:04 Mammillaria mammillaris
5:43 Coryphantha elephantidens
6:31 Myrtillocactus geometrizans
6:57 Pilosocereus pachycladus
7:34 Gymnocalycium anisitsii var. griseopallidum
8:07 Mammillaria vetula subsp. gracilis cv. Oruga Blanca
8:48 Mammillaria elongata cv. Kopper King
9:30 Echinopsis subdenudata
10:06 Parodia ottonis
10:42 Mammillaria spinosissima subsp. pilcayensis
11:35 Mammillaria rhodantha
12:27 Ferocactus wislizeni subsp. herrerae
12:41 Frailea castanea
13:43 Mammillaria rhodantha subsp. priglei
14:14 Rebutia mentosa subsp. mentosa
14:38 Mammillaria elongata
15:08 Mammillaria elongata cv. Kopper King f. cristata
15:33 Stenocactus vaupelianus
16:03 Rebutia canigueralii subsp. crispata
16:34 Pilosocereus gounellei
16:57 Myrtillocactus geometrizans cv. Fukurokuryuzinboku
17:39 Espostoa lanata
18:09 Coleocephalocereus aureus subsp. brevicylindricus f. variegata
18:20 Stenocereus beneckei
18:49 Opuntia santa-rita
19:42 Cleistocactus sp.
20:14 Discocactus zehntneri subsp. araneispinus
20:43 Ferocactus glaucescens var. inermis
21:11 Parodia werneri
21:44 Stenocactus crispatus
22:19 Matucana madisoniorum
23:24 Frailea phaeodisca
23:53 Melocactus peruvianus
Welcome to The Plant Prince Ph, where I, Kim Jayson Medina, share my passion for plants and provide expert guidance on caring for cacti and succulents.
As an avid collector and enthusiast, I delve into the world of cacti and succulents to bring you comprehensive care guides and valuable insights. Combining my personal experiences with thorough research, I strive to offer practical tips suitable to everyone.
Whether you're a beginner or an advanced collector, my channel is dedicated to helping you nurture and expand your cactus and succulent collection. Join me on this exciting journey, as we explore the beauty and intricacies of these remarkable plants together
Affiliate Links
(By buying using the links below, I earn a commission)
Tiktok: @theplantprinceph
🎈 Music track: familiar places by massobeats
🎈 No Copyright Vlog Music for Video
🎈 Music track: honey jam by massobeats
🎈 No Copyright Music for Videos (Free)
🎈 Music track: aromatic by massobeats
🎈 Copyright Free Background Music
#Cactus #CactusGarden #ThePlantPrincePh
Recommended Seller (Philippines)
Featured Cacti:
0:00 Intro
0:28 Rebutia mentosa
0:58 Parodia magnifica
1:31 Coleocephalocereus aureus subsp. brevicylindricus
1:57 Mammillaria rekoi subsp. leptacantha
2:26 Parodia scopa
2:51 Gymnocalycium hortsii
3:31 Mammillaria rhodantha subsp. pringlei f. cristata
3:58 Sulcorebutia menesesii
4:27 Melocactus matanzanus
5:04 Mammillaria mammillaris
5:43 Coryphantha elephantidens
6:31 Myrtillocactus geometrizans
6:57 Pilosocereus pachycladus
7:34 Gymnocalycium anisitsii var. griseopallidum
8:07 Mammillaria vetula subsp. gracilis cv. Oruga Blanca
8:48 Mammillaria elongata cv. Kopper King
9:30 Echinopsis subdenudata
10:06 Parodia ottonis
10:42 Mammillaria spinosissima subsp. pilcayensis
11:35 Mammillaria rhodantha
12:27 Ferocactus wislizeni subsp. herrerae
12:41 Frailea castanea
13:43 Mammillaria rhodantha subsp. priglei
14:14 Rebutia mentosa subsp. mentosa
14:38 Mammillaria elongata
15:08 Mammillaria elongata cv. Kopper King f. cristata
15:33 Stenocactus vaupelianus
16:03 Rebutia canigueralii subsp. crispata
16:34 Pilosocereus gounellei
16:57 Myrtillocactus geometrizans cv. Fukurokuryuzinboku
17:39 Espostoa lanata
18:09 Coleocephalocereus aureus subsp. brevicylindricus f. variegata
18:20 Stenocereus beneckei
18:49 Opuntia santa-rita
19:42 Cleistocactus sp.
20:14 Discocactus zehntneri subsp. araneispinus
20:43 Ferocactus glaucescens var. inermis
21:11 Parodia werneri
21:44 Stenocactus crispatus
22:19 Matucana madisoniorum
23:24 Frailea phaeodisca
23:53 Melocactus peruvianus
Welcome to The Plant Prince Ph, where I, Kim Jayson Medina, share my passion for plants and provide expert guidance on caring for cacti and succulents.
As an avid collector and enthusiast, I delve into the world of cacti and succulents to bring you comprehensive care guides and valuable insights. Combining my personal experiences with thorough research, I strive to offer practical tips suitable to everyone.
Whether you're a beginner or an advanced collector, my channel is dedicated to helping you nurture and expand your cactus and succulent collection. Join me on this exciting journey, as we explore the beauty and intricacies of these remarkable plants together
Affiliate Links
(By buying using the links below, I earn a commission)
Tiktok: @theplantprinceph
🎈 Music track: familiar places by massobeats
🎈 No Copyright Vlog Music for Video
🎈 Music track: honey jam by massobeats
🎈 No Copyright Music for Videos (Free)
🎈 Music track: aromatic by massobeats
🎈 Copyright Free Background Music
#Cactus #CactusGarden #ThePlantPrincePh