SCORPIO : THIS Is HAPPENING (Faster Than You Think) | Mid August 2024 Zodiac Tarot Reading

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SCORPIO : THIS Is HAPPENING (Faster Than You Think) | Mid August 2024 Zodiac Tarot Reading
Did this resonate with you? Watch the Extended Reading for a deeper look:



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Did this resonate with you? Watch the Extended Reading for a deeper look:




Cross watcher here (Taurus) I am giving Scorpio the space to grow, as instructed by my guides, even tho my absence has caused him unbearable grief. It wasn’t an intentional move for me just that he started to fight with me energetically, if that makes sense. And then there were the projections towards me! I am a practicing (hands on) healer, I keep myself in a “clear” space within so I know if there are energetic intrusions coming in and boy did he send me a lot. No contact has helped a great deal! I know this isn’t over but atm we have to go our separate ways! Thanks MJ 🌻✨✨✨


Wow. Yep. Met my twin over 10 years ago, got shown he was my twin 7 years ago and that we were going to end up together. We fell out 7.5 years ago and he’s done the block and run 3 times. We’ve barely spoken. He didn’t treat me well. I’ve been healing my heart and doing the work ever since. It’s taken me a long time to be able to confront him and to draw a line in the sand. Last year I chose myself and said goodbye. I’ve been on my own for 20 years after ending an abusive relationship. I’m well and truly ready for unconditional love ❤


Dead on…my twin left me at the alter…we tried and he just wasn’t stepping into the connection. I stood my boundary and told him to leave 6months ago.
I have sooo much growing since then…I am feeling him telepathically and we have opened up the channel of clear communication…however he has not reached out yet. He gets to come to me in accountability after all he ran over and over. It’s time for change.
I love him more than words.

Thank you MaryJoe for channeling our energy. I have been watching you for 4years every day. I appreciate you so so in assisting me along this beautiful year challenging path.🙏🏻🔥🔥👑❤️


Since I met Pisces (my counterpart) last year I have undergone several spiritual shifts. It was an instant and insanely strong 5D connection which neither of us could explain back then. Yes it was totally unrequited love. Pisces has destroyed the connection with me as I would never be accepted by her family or her peer group due to a large age difference. The day I met her I re-awakened significant healing abilities that I had lost in my twenties which have since strengthened to allow me to "unlock" other peoples healing powers. I have also developed clairvoyance and a degree of clairalience (with a limited number of people) so how can I possibly be angry at Pisces. The fact that she wasn't prepared to join me on the path is a deep loss to me and she will always be that missed opportunity. I feel destined to be alone now but i have the consolation of a path of service


You just stated my whole life in public! Wild!!!❤️❤️❤️


Thank you for your read...I was directed to this readings by my spiritual team and a lot resonated for me. I'm like a new born in my old age, the world has opened up to me; in this my 69th year of being in this shell.


This reading and the extended reading were a retelling of one of my most memorable dreams from earlier this year. The tracks, the changing timelines, the past becoming the future, being separated from oneself, lots more. I remember swimming in a beautiful light blue sea/ocean with my divine counterparts (their male and female). At first I didn’t know if I could keep up with their skill level, but I quickly realized that we were all equals and I didn’t have to prove myself to them. They accepted me for who I was. Thank you🌟


The word "friends" is so overused. An ex-lover is not a friend. A work associate is not a friend. A neighbor is not a friend. A f*ck buddy is not a friend. An ex-wife/husband is not a friend. Use your words, people. Quit devaluing the meaning of a friend.


My personal Tarot readings for her and I have been insane. When I saw the I don't even know who I am anymore I broke down. I been getting LOTS of hermit, hangedman, high priestess, 4 of swords, magician and the world. The World is what card came to mind when I saw that card. "Being that which you are." Also been getting lots of moon cards. She's starting to wake up to her real being, her real self. All because of the unconditional love I've shown her. This is a beautiful thing. LOVE CURES ALL!


Wow!! This makes a lot of sense. Being with people who were not on my level. And I knew it. But did it anyway.


Damn! This was DEAD ON for me! I do have abilities, but I haven’t been using them the last 5 years! The Person you’re speaking about is a Former Friend, whom I’ve now removed from my life. It came down to Boundaries being broken constantly! Thank You MJ! ❤️❣️


Wow this is spot on for me with my Scorpio twin. Thank you


Omg. A friend from high school and I just reconnected after years apart (we both went through mental illness problems and just dealt with each our things seperately..)

We now took the decision to turn our passion, the love we both have for music, turn it into a business. And we complete each other. Im more creative, he is way more into the business part!

But he’s gay hahaha. Of course this is not a personal reading for me, but damnnn so many coincidences. Im actually surprised by the accuracy!


I see 660 likes here❤
Scorpio rising in the house.
❤👏🙌👍🙏❤️ MJ


I'm watching on 2X speed for the first time. 😅.. I'm getting Mars conjunct Jupiter vibes in 2X speed. Lol


MJ- I don't have Scorpio in any major placements nor does my husband. However this title caught my attention. Wow! Everything that came through what we have been going through. We are married and separated with divorce proceedings on hold. 5 years of this and I believe we've been healing. We need to have this conversation. Where do we go from here? I am in awe! Resonated 💯 percent. Will keep you posted on the outcome...❤


Yes very Resonating MJ thankyou for you're Wisdom God you ❤️🙏❤️✨️


Such a powerful reading! I recently came across your videos and now I can't stop coming back. Your readings are spot on, it blows my mind every single time. Thank you so much for your messages, grateful for your magic. <3


I'm forgiving, but I will not go down.that dark hole again with him...Sometimes, The damage runs to deep ..To every try again...Why would I spend years healing to find joy again. To. go back to the person who destroyed my joy? I WOULD BE A FOOL.. Im move away from this past person/ situation ..To have a healthy start with someone new..
I have made it clear to him..that the union will never happen...but he has tried on many occasions to reconcile and the answer has always been NO..Its going on 5yrs..
I can FINALLY SEE the light at the end of the tunnel...If i have to go thru pain for psychic ability..I dont need that ability..
