15 Dogs You Should Fear the Most

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15 Dogs You Should Fear the Most

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Dogs are definitely Man’s Best Friend; they’re loyal, lovable, not to mention extremely cuddly. But some of them can be dangerous… and we’re not just talking about police dogs. There are even some small dogs like chihuahuas that sink their teeth into vets more often than any other breed. But certain species can cause more significant harm just because of their size or the force of their bite. 
Welcome back to the 4 Ever Green channel! Today, we’re going to take a look at 15 of the most ferocious and dangerous dogs you should fear the most. 
Before we do that, we have a quick quiz for you! Which of these dogs do you think has the most powerful bite of all? Put your answers in the comments down below! 
Alright, without further ado, let’s begin! 

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it’s not about how agressive the dog is, it’s how the owner raises them, i know someone with a akita and he is the cuddliest sweetest dog i’ve ever met .


There is only one breed to fear: "The Stupid Owner"


I had a pitbull for 16 years and she was amazing she would always come in my room at night sooo gentle I miss her so much


I had a Pitbull for 14 years named Scar and he was the sweetest companion on earth. Gentle giant, never really barked, loved to run and play, gentle and protective with babies and kids. I can’t get myself to get another Pit so I got me a little chi-weenie …lol… All about how you train and love them!


Love, kindness, guidance & consistency brings out the best in all dogs.Neglect & negative renforcement creates a BEAST.


At my old barn, we had a tiny chihuahua who was black and white, with the biggest, most adorable puppy eyes. He wasn't one of those sassy chihuahua's who have barriers and get angry at times, he loves children and doesnt bite, bark, and gives the best cuddles! I miss him so much 💔❤😭


They are not aggressive if properly raised and socialized


Dogs you should fear the most: NONE. Unless they were raised by abuse assholes who treat them like weapons.


Depend only what kind person you are, because they are always there no matter what kind of breed you have to protect you when you need. Personally I’m not scared to be around any dog because I only have a love and protection to offer.


I have a 11 month old Nealpolitan Mastiff and his name is Boba. He is usually friendly but if some dogs fight or growl at them, he will fight back and is very protective. A few months ago, we went to a dog trail and met a little dog, Boba chased her everywhere and played with her. I really love my dog.


after working 20 years in dog rescue i learned that all breeds of dogs have the potential, if treated improperly, to become vicious or out of control. I wish people would do more research on the breed they are going to adopt or purchase. It should be mandatory for ALL dog owners to attend a basic obedience and dog behavior class. And please dont use those retractible leashes. They are ineffective and dangerous.


You should never fear a dog. Just the owners and what they've done to them.


I’ve got pressa canario and it was the most lovable and sweet dog ever, loyal as hell, sweet and cuddly like a baby


I'm still gonna love them no matter what you say.


My neighbor owns a german sheperd and it is very friendly. It doesn't matter how big or agressive a dog may be. What matters is how the owner trains and loves the dog


I've had a German Shepherd and a Rottweiler in the same household and they were the biggest baby's of all time the Shepherd was named Jade and Rottweiler is chewy but when needed they would protect their families to any cost


I raised a doberman from a puppy. She was a wonderful dog. I tout her to catch frisbees and the kids would always come over and ask if Gretchen could come out and play. She loved people. I trained her and she was a very obedient girl. It was hard when she died.


I had a Rottweiler with me since I was born and she’s still very strong and aggressive but she can be lazy at times. Now I’m already 15. Her name is Jillford. And she is the first dog my family ever had. And she is still with us happy as ever. I love her so much


Very interesting and exciting video. I love this topic.


I love this video .. the beat on this video 🔥 fire also
