5 Not So Obvious Tips From an Experienced Guitar Player

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In this video you will hear about 5 tips that are not so obvious to guitar players yet these are tips from an experienced player to help you excel faster at becoming a better guitarist.

Are you an experienced guitar player? What can you add to this list? Let me hear your "tips" in the comment section below.

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Keep up the practice.




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Thanks for watching guys. Can you add some value to this list? Are you in experienced guitar player? Love to hear your comments and feedback. More videos coming very soon so subscribe for more videos like this and turn on notifications so you don't miss any new videos. See you in the next video. e :)


I think playing with others is very important.. no matter how skilled you are you can learn from everyone if you look and listen. Example, Ive played for over 50 yrs and just the other day picked up something from a boy playing only two yrs that I had never thought of...you can pick it up from anyone if you listen.


I love all of these! For beginners, I would also like to say be wise in picking out your guitar. If you get one you love, you will be more motivated to follow all five of these tips.


As always Erich, you are the guru of guitar. Great advice for newbies or old pros. Thank you my friend.


Enjoy your lessons Eric. Keep spreading the word about learning how to play guitar. I have been playing and teaching guitar for over 40 years.


You've carved out 5 excellent points that apply to any instrument. Would more musicians tackle "music theory" if it had a friendlier name? Theory also goes with very abstract concepts, like "theoretical physics", giving the impression that this is not easy to learn at all. Once you understand that the word theory, in music, means the structure that that our songs hang on and which sound means something to us for reasons we can't explain. Music study is the tool to mine the gold. Your approach is quite good, in my opinion.


Sometimes I need a tolk like this .... ... and your 30 free lessons are so helpfull ... slowly I begin to understand and it helps me to keep on playing. ... playing the guitar can get you to some rough times and a lots off fun playing and singing with fam and friends.... lynn


Great videos :)
If you don't mind me saying, because its a mistake I made early on. Learn whole songs that you can comfortably manage all the way through. I used to learn so many bits of songs and it wasted a lot of time.
Practice is hard for everyone. If you aren't finding it hard you might not be learning. If you want to sound like Peter Green you're going to have to practice as hard as he does :)


Thanks, Erich. I've been playing a long time and spent over a year on music theory alone in class rooms and private lessons. I won't say that it was wasted time but I will say that I would have had a lot more fun if I spent that time learning songs. Erich's approach is great. Everyone wants to hear you play songs, so learn the songs first and then learn whatever theory you need to play those songs well. Playing songs is fun and that's what it's all about, at least for me. So that's my takeaway from this lessons. I have to learn more songs. :-) Peace all.


Great video, Erich! I especially like your first tip... that practice does not equal perfect. It's so true that bad habits get burned-in during practice.


I have been watching since 2009... Erich, your vids never fail to 1.) teach me SOMETHING 2.) entertain and 3.) make me wanna be a better player.


Erich, thanks for the video! I've been playing with some friends at a private studio and recently have been thinking about playing out at an open mic night. All I can picture are my hands shaking to the point where I wouldn't be able to hold a pick. Thanks for the encouragement...I may get up the nerve to give it a try!


Dude love the advise I play OK I guess but always strive to improve
Oh I love to play live and find most places I play they don't really know if you went wrong if you have the brass neck to keep the groove going and hey if you get lost well like you say no one dies


Thanks a lot for the tips.i'm just starting to learn to play the guitar.this is a good way to start


Oh, man! I didn't know this was happening. I chimed in on #4. I look forward to watching the replay.


Very useful information and I appreciate the simplicity of your videos, thanks.


I just wanted to thank you for putting these videos out there for ppl like myself to learn from. *On that 'note' (pun intended) can you direct me to the video you made that discusses finding any note on the fretboard, mirroring, and two down- two up string method? I had it on my saved list and somehow took it off unintentionally and now can't find it again. Thanks!


Great stuff Erich....you are a wonderful human being....thank you...


Always great advice from a true Sage. Thanks again!


You are great! Always learning. My brain is a bout to expload. Bring it on!
