You Can Parry The Winter Lanterns Get Secret Talisman!!!! #eldenring #madness

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This boss was a test that is for sure with his unfair combos his meaty health bar and the amount of damage he does it took all we had to beat him almost an hour of tries before we finally got the dub
you can parry the Winter Lanterns in Elden Ring!!! #eldenring #shadowoftheerdtree #shorts
You Can Parry The Winter Lanterns Get Secret Talisman!!!! #eldenring #madness
Did you know you can parry winter lanterns?
PSA: you can parry winter lanterns
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Parry- Eye Monster - The Winter Lantern Enemies in Abyssal Woods#gaming #eldenring #nodamage
ELDEN RING: Winter Lantern parry
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ELDEN RING Winter Lantern parry
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ELDEN RING™ Parry Winter Lantern
The game isn't fire till you can parry fall damage 😤
Elden Ring - Parry 2 Winter Lanterns simultaneously
Winter lantern parry
How to Parry Aging Untouchable Winter Lanterns | Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree
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