12 Transit Operators in 12 Hours

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A tour of the Bay Area featuring 12 different transit operators!

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I did a similar route, but it was just Joaquins. I have a video of it! :) I liked this video. It left me wanting to know more!


I really enjoy your content. I wish more people would narrate their trips on transi


"SamTrans, I'm so happy for her" lmfaooo


omg it just seems to strange to see a train to Berryessa. Wow (used to live in the Bay Area long time ago when Warm Springs was the terminus)


LFG....this whole journey is marred by delays haha, this is so bay area. I gotta do this run one day, heres my idea:

Start at <presidio go> then go to vanness/union then <ggtransit> to golden gate avenue, then walk to hyde and larkin, jump on the <UCSF shuttle *its free*> to civic center, take <BART> to montgomery street, then take the <capital corridor> connection from salesforce center (only timing you'd need to worry about) to amtrak emeryville, you can then proceed to go take the <emerygoround> to macarthur station, take the <ac transit> down to the ferry terminal, then <SF bay ferry> back to SF, get on the 292 <samtrans> three stops to 4th street, where you can take the 30/45 <MUNI> to <caltrain>, then caltrain to south SF where you can get on the free <South City Shuttle> to wherever

less fun because less distance, but because of transit density you can do a lot more I think. Also would only work on a weekday because of the south city oyster point shuttle


Good video. Acerail could have been included I know that once hard one. I only rode it once myself.


The Sam trans should truly drop their express buses they can’t compete with Caltrain period just revive the M bus of AC transit


The union city transit looks my hometown transit company transIT but they difference is they have a green stripe in the middle or a fully green bus


Is it meant to be San Raphæl? Or San Rafell???


Still too much whining for my taste. The Bay Area has both an incredible variety and density of transit. There's always a faster/better way to get where you're going if you use the express services. You don't need to take the slow and delay-prone modes if you don't want to. Google maps will route you effortlessly on the fastest way to get there.

And you're literally crossing multiple counties on some of these modes and cover some insane distances by transit standards. Is it really so surprising that there are some delays, especially on the busses? The longer the line the more delay-prone it will be. That's pretty much a law of nature.
