Population Pyramids Visualized: India vs China (1950 - 2099)

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Population pyramids can tell us about a country's demographic profile with historical evolution and future trajectory - all in one single view. In this video, we learn about them and see in full animated glory the pyramids for India and China evolve from 1950 to 2100 and we shall see how the dynamics of the population changes over time.

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Source: United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division. World Population Prospects: The 2015 Revision. (Medium variant)
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I always say to my circle that we take pride that India has very young population but that's not gonna stay forever. We have to utilise this potential of young people to develop our economy otherwise it will be very difficult to do so after few decades.

Governments on the other hand, don't think this way. They don't invest much money on education, job creation, etc. We are seeing the decline already in our GDP growth which is not good for the economy.


The idea of Narration is just amazing. Great narration and great voice as well 👍.


would like to know the impact single child policy has made on China's male-female ratio. Can you make a pyramid graph for male-female population from 1950-present?


Well made quality content, it is emotional for me as the years pass by . Your voice video is nice keep up the work


Only YouTube channel which never disappoints me
Big like 👍


Wow!! Just wow!! So much information in just one video that too less than 6 minutes.

You have so less subs, you deserve at least a million.

Good luck! Keep bringing good stuff.


Imagine if India has very less population. It's beautiful to leaving here


Commenting so that it gets promoted by the algorithm. More people need to watch it


I don't think we should hold predictions post 2040s of much value since the technological advances seem to be ignored.


*Your voice and video is just amazing ❤❤❤🔥*


The great PRC economic takeoff was 1990 to 2010 where the average age went from 27.7 to 35.0. For India that is 2008 to 2038. So 13 out of the 30 years to India's big economic takeoff opportunity from a demographic point of view has already passed. The result has been mixed, especially the last 5 years. India has to really take advantage of the last 15 years of favorable demographic trends to build a mass industrial base.


Holy smokes, ihave never seen any stats related video such satisfying and visualised.


I have seen some people who think we beating China is a great thing and our gigantic population is an asset. It's not!!! Huge population means huge pressure on limited resources and big pressure on gov to meet them.... That's leads to very uneven distribution of development...like Bihar and UP stay behind while Western and southern states We need to get our population under control


As a nation we are almost on the right track in the population pyramid aspect.
Taking any drastic, and sudden decision such as adoption of the 1 child policy will only skew the population pyramid and be detrimental in the long run, as it in all likelihood will down the line cause unpredictable as well as hard to manage ripple effect.
With that said our population surely needs to be controlled and bought down, population control measures and awareness needs to be spread in the so called hindi belt(with up, bihar being the main culprits, it's acceptable that they have huge population it's not that they keep growing up at that pace, high birth rate and fertility rate is what being pointed out to)
The solution or rather contraceptive is not condoms or pills put economic prosperity and urbanization with addition of exposure and sex education
Something else that immediately needs to be addressed is female to male ratio
Figures will show it to be somewhere around 925 but that of kid's aged 0-16 is something near the mark of 890


It was amazing. Kudos to you!

It would be more amazing to see the population pyramids of the different states of India.


What a amazing video editing in this video😳 and a fabulous voice it's so calm

Why is this video not getting views in millions😫😫😣


1.75 billion would be disaster of India. We are already overpopulated and govt. Is doing nothing 0.75 billion would be ideal


Nice & very beautiful
Curious for your next video
Keep it up guys
Love you 😊 ❤
Jay Hind 🇮🇳
Jay Maharashtra 🙏🙏🙏🙏


the thing is, japan will eventually recover. i think it’s insane when these massive media news agencies say they’re gonna go extinct. it’s crazy to say such a thing.


China's demographic problems are indeed serious and will further hinder economic development in the future. However, just because India has a large population does not mean that it is hopeful either. It is the quality of population and industrialization that are fundamental to the country's rise.
