Christians, this is dangerous! - The law of attraction

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The Law of Attraction, Manifesting, and Christians
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Is the Law of attraction simply positive thinking?
Should Christians Manifest?

All of these questions are ones that Christians should seriously deliberate!

I hope this video helps you on your quest to understand this issue.

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Hope this is a blessing 🙏 Would love to hear your thoughts below!


"You reap what you sow" that is the law of attraction in a nutshell. My thoughts and actions influence my reality, and can influence others too. It's not a new age concept, we practice the law of attraction everyday. Manifestation is demonstration of faith. It's the act of matching your thoughts with your actions. It's not about meditating all day and expecting your life to change. It blows my mind how this is made to seem like a new age concept 🤯


"For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he" Proverbs 23:7


Quantum Physics is not bad science. And it is ok for Christians to study it and learn about it. It begins to explain scientifically how faith and prayer work, and the Holy Spirit.


This is really creeping in! There’s really no debate about it…if you’re a follower of Christ..He says worry about nothing and pray about everything…He says Let there be no other gods before Him…worship Christ..that’s what the Father says…they both created us…God bless


I was gifted that book during a time of destruction in my life, although it took me years to finish and understand it my way it also brought me closer to jesus, I learned alot about the law of attraction from the secret and I have used visualisation and writings to manifest my dreams into realities and thats factual in my life and what I've achieved so far.
It was when I wanted to attract the wrong things so much and I did attract them, I learned valuable karmic life lessons that brought me closer to god.
For me personally this book of writings has helped save my soul, I prefer to get my answers from bible teachings now but I'd still recommend this type of book to a generation of those who don't follow jesus or would laugh at the bible... for it was through the secret I found my now relationship with jesus 🙌


If you put out negativity, then you attract more of that to you. These laws work, whether you believe it or not. Just like physical laws, like gravity, it works whether you believe it or not.


Excellent video sir! Practicing law of attraction destroyed my life and its pretty crazy considering I got into it unknowingly through some really bad church teachings (Word of Faith/Prosperity). Everything I "manifested", even though it seemed good at first, ended up all being nothing but deceitful and destructive in the end. I think Christians need to be very wary these days of all the new age/occult practices going on out there, and sometimes even slipping into the church! Thanks for sharing this!


I immersed myself with the books The secret and think and grow rich. It made my life better and now i can bless other people and do what God's purpose is in me. It's a matter of perspective. If you think the knowledge from the book is demonic, then try to be poor, you can do a little. I can bless my community too, sharing the gospel and blessing them with a ride and a free meal (the money came from the books the secret and think and grow rich) 😂


The only true thing you said is that you don't have enough to say.
1) you never provided a scripture reference of why law of attraction is unbiblical
2) you never said why to stay away from it - what is it going to do? Where does the issue lie?
3) law of attraction is the same thing as faith to move mountains. The Bible literally says you can cast mountains in the sea. So moving things with your mind = biblical.
4) Einstein said: "Everything is energy and that's all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way" - reliable source for ya.


Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom come; thy will be done; on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil ♥️ Notice "THY will" does not say "MY will" - that's the problem with the Law of tempts you into thinking YOU are the God and the creator. Lean on the Lord, pray HIS will be done and you will be alright.


Basically he is teaching this idea that we have no responsibility for what we are creating or thinking ...we are just victims because only God creates...pastor rather study thesd books properly before you bash them or show people if you have wealth before you bash this😢 we are co creators with God with are in His image and we have power to create with words and thoughts..God Said I whatever we say with I am we are creating..we can create lack and disease or we can create and death is in the power of the tongue


What about these verses...

Mathew 21:22 - "And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive"

Mark 9:23 - "Jesus said unto him, if thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth"

Mark 11:24 - "Therefore I say unto you, what things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them and ye shall have them"

Are these not a part of manifesting from the Bible?


This how religious people are. He drove his point by pointing out people's desire for financial stability and how they use this law to attract that. That's why he can even call it a demonic practice. Religious people don't read the Bible, they listen to the pastors interpretation of it and follow.


I was just beginning to get curious about law if attraction and manifesting, and the Lord brought this video up on my time line. Thank you so much!!!


There may be some TRUTH to the secret which I practiced it at one time before I became a born again Christian then I got away from it as God revealed to me that regardless of how good something seems if it leaves Jesus out of it and if it doesn't lead you to a relationship with God it must be avoid it. The Secret has some truths to it but God says in His word that the spirit of TRUTH (the Holy Spirit ) will guide us into ALL TRUTHS, JOHN16:13.

For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? MARK 8:36

AMEN! 🙏💕


Teaching that manifesting is dangerous is like teaching that words are dangerous. You are in fact, manifesting as you speak even what you think of, every second of your life on earth- it is WHAT you say and think, that is the issue. These books would have you manifest riches; a new car, a big house. But is it any different if you use your mind to manifest money than if you spend your life working for wealth? "Whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable, if anything is excellent or praiseworthy, think about such things.~Phillippians 4:8
Love and kindness to friends, family, and our fellow man, is what we should bring into the World any way we can. That is the point.- the reason we exist.


Was waiting to see bible principles and scripture that backed up your opinion. Disappointed, really couldn't think of any? here then: Ecclesiastes 9:11 - "Again I saw that under the sun the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, nor bread to the wise, nor riches to the intelligent, nor favor to those with knowledge, but time and chance happen to them all."


This man is confused LOA is real what you think and what you focus on you attract more of it


Standard Christian answer these days… Tells people something is wrong, and that they should avoid it… But offers no biblical reference point that backs up their claim. My guy even said that they will use verses to back up their claim, but then didn’t offer one counterpoint.
I’m not even necessarily saying that I believe the law of attraction… But I have gotten really tired of Christians, taking a stance on something because of their feelings on a matter
