HTML5 Heading Tags - Defining h1 to h6 tags | HTML5 Fundamentals Video Tutorial Series 2016 #8.1

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HTML5 Heading Tags - Defining h1 to h6 tags | HTML5 Fundamentals Video Tutorial Series 2016 #8.1

Smashtheshell - In this video you are going to learn what are html/html5 heading tags. How to define html5 heading tags and how to properly use html heading tag in your document to structure the content of your html webpage. HTML heading tags should not confused with html5 header tag. HTML5 heading tags are used to introduce a new section within your document.

HTML heading tag can be defined from h1 - h6 level. To define the most important heading for your content section in your document you can use html h1 tag and to define the least important heading you can use h6 tag which is the last tag in the html heading tags category. In the previous version of html i.e. html4 or earlier version, html headings tags were the only option to create the logical section within your document, so that your webpage can be optimized for seo purposes and these heading tags such h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 were used to provide the heading for the relevant content in html document.

So, in this video you are going to learn a little bit of theory about html headings and in the next video you will see its practical uses and how to properly use them to structure your content, so that you webpage is used by search engines to index your page content and structure.

Other Videos in this series of HTML5 fundamentals video tutorials:

Upcoming course for HTML5 | HTML Fundamentals Tutorials Series for beginners

Getting Familiar with HTML5 Development Tools - HTML Tutorial Series 2016 #2

Brief Introduction to HTML and HTML5 | HTML Tutorial Series for Beginners 2016 #3

Setting up text editor and testing your first html document into browser | HTML Tutorial Series 2016 #4

Understanding Basic HTML5 Structure | HTML Tutorial Series 2016 #5

Learning Tags, Attributes, Global Attributes and Elements in HTML5 | HTML Tutorial Series 2016 #6

HTML paragraph tag, attributes and whitespace | HTML5 Fundamentals Video Tutorial Series 2016 #7


Other Videos:

HTML5 Basic Fundamentals Tutorials Series For Beginners

Horizontal Navigation Bar with Full Width Submenu

Responsive Login Form With Social Media Buttons

Creating Responsive Image Gallery using Photoshop and CSS3

Vertical and Horizontal Centering using HTML and CSS3

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