Calling Out Poor Performance vs Extreme Ownership - Jocko Willink

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Excerpt from JOCKOPODCAST 96
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Jocko wakes his alarm clock in the morning.


Damn, this guy really does treat everything like a mission. What he's saying is kind of profound though. It's about the ripple throughout the whole universe. Everytime you make a choice, try to see how it would affect everything as far out as you can go when time allows it. The greatest net positive impact choice, is the right one.


I found this so useful I sent it to my adult children. One is a College athlete and is a Captain on their team. The other is in work force and and feeling the stress of managing people. I believe they both will benefit. Thanks


Agree with Jocko. Calling out someone in front of the boss should be used as a last resort and only if repeated opportunities pulling the person aside previously have not worked out


Don't let them mistake your kindness for weakness.


I love how Jocko discusses things. That's some real wisdom.


These 10 min q&a videos are quite epic and motivational. Thank you guys for the consistency


I’m at the low end of the totem poll in my new career and didn’t think this video would apply to me but, jocko always has a way of making it relevant !! Love his insight on literally anything he’s not just an impressive warrior but his brain and leadership and approach to nearly everything seems well thought out and great


This has carried over from my military career and has helped so much. You always told your people before taking them up the chain of command to get their dress and appearance in order and to be prepared for certain questions. This has helped build trust with my employees out here that has fostered a lot of productivity and higher work ethic


Jocko inspires me to be better at everything 💞🙌🙌🙌


Great video. Been in to many companies that do not understand/respect/use chain of command and who had no issues with tossing you under the boss. Current position the chain is pretty much demand and when folks see it and use it well it makes sense. Lets us solve issues at the lowest levels possible. And even bigger bonus is it allows those with little/no leadership to make decisions that have very little responsibilty. Which may sound dumb but it allows us to see who can take leadership. Who can make the call. And who can take the hit if there is an issue.


Thankyou Jocko back on line with trainers, but my own lifestyle still needs alot of work .


*jocko inspires people to be better at everything they do!*


Wise Jedi master. Check. Jocko gets stuff done and inflates one's ego at the same time. Legend


Be kind to people, but don't let them take advantage of you. And trust people, but don't let them deceive you.


Wow! That guy feels what leadership is! Amazing vid, thx!


Man jocko is so intimidating that his scared off the colors on this video


I agree with the fundamentals of keeping the relationships from becoming toxic but Jocko approached this issue from the military perspective. In many business endeavors you will be dealing with someone who sold an ability/skill set and agreed on a salary for the position. The idea that they may need more help/support can be problematic when profit is the goal. I.E. if you hired in as a machinist you better know how to be a machinist. Many of the tactics to address that individual will be similar but someone who oversold their ability needs to be allowed an honest assessment of what brought them to the conversation at hand. I've seen this scenario unfold more than a few times.


Jocko's answer presupposes two things:
- People only fail on their deliverables because of external factors
- Teams only need more resources to resolve their problems.

I understand the idea of building relationships, but you are going to find a few bad apples that are unsalvageable. To continuously make excuses for their mistakes and bad performance allows these bad apples to remain in the team and affect the team's performance in cases where you are not there to solve their problems for them


Loved the MEMORIAL DAY voice over type ad for PRAGER U.. it's crazy because after Rogan was like ughh who would be a good fit to actually be president and who would take ownership and all the above I said JOCKO 4 president and a day later I got the ad an add for some video or podcast I was watching .. Thank you for your service SIR!! Someday I hope to be a special ops operator but I'm not half you build _swollenness muscle mass .. but I'm pretty smart tho lol Love the Podcast Echo, Jocko, u guys are legit have a blessed and safe memorial day weekend!! From the 100+ inferno of PHX AZ..., Brandon Ray out
