Pluto In The Eighth House

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💚Feel Good Astrology AKA Louisa Tanner Munson, helps you find FREEDOM and CLARITY to plan a great life!
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Hey there. If you're anything like me, you’ll be in a place of caution, curiosity and excitement considering Pluto through your birthchart. In this astrology podcast and series, I am exploring all things Pluto through the houses. Essentially how to move beyond trauma, and to understand our karmic patterns. This podcast can help you understand your fears, trauma and how to take the next best step. Pluto is the great transformer of life experiences and rites of passage. This leads up to an understanding of what it might be to yield to the pluto energy as it brings us to our knees. It helps us experience the core humanity in ourselves.

This is a deep dive of 4 parts:-

✔The story of Pluto
✔Overview of the 8th House
✔What is it like to have Pluto in the 8th house of your chart
✔What it is like to have Pluto transiting through the 8th house of your chart

I hope you find this podcast useful. It’s part of my overall ‘learn astrology easily’ approach
If you have found this useful, you might also find my other planet playlists as useful, again to examine the effects of having a planet in a particular house either natally or via transit. In this way you can learn to decode your chart.

If you like to listen to interviews and relaxed and enquiring conversations, please do check out my other channel, ‘The Barefoot Broadcast’ that I share with my Husband, Carl Munson.


About me (Louisa)

I'm a wife and mother of 3 small children, living a joyous and loving life in Portugal. As a Sagittarian with Moon in Pisces, I juggle many hats and have many roles:-

I work as a coach and astrologer, managing a few successful membership programmes.
I teach astrology to those who want to crack the planetary code in their lives
I also interview lightworkers, health workers, alternative health practitioners and people who do good stuff (on my other channel @louisatannermunson / please subscribe)

Want to support my work?

🎧 Listen to me on Spotify 'Feel Good Astrology'

#LouisaTannerMunson #FeelGoodAstrology #plutointheeighthhouse
Рекомендации по теме

I am a Plutonian person with so many planets including Kiron and I had felt all that shame and guilt because I wouldn’t share what I have today with my family . That load of guilt went away when Pluto was opposite my moon and my Saturn. It’s a relief . Thank you for this video 🙌🏼


I have pluto in 8th house. With Chiron, Lilith and Mercury 😢
The guilt, shame, abuse, molestation. Yeah its really dark. I've come out of it now. I am really into occult, spirituality now.

Ok, so I was listening to what you said about family issues and control (and money..kind of summarizing all of that) and that hits the nail right on the head.

For a while now I've been telling friends that " I FEEL " like I was raised in a family (my late mothers side) that was structured like a cult..but without religion.

It seems like they wanted me to be ignorant, stupid, and more. When I started standing up for myself and saying no to that (my north node in 1st house) that seemed to tick them off more. I've basically been shunned for not letting them control me


What a blessing! Profoundly helpful insights


I have Pluto and Uranus in the 8th House and Pluto on the Cusp of the 12th House.


Omg you’re describing my family dynamics that nobody sees 😮


I have Pluto in 8th house in Scorpio in a day chart. 3 positive aspects with my ascendant, Neptune, and Sun.


Hello there, quick question, if Pluto just got out of my 8th house about 3 months ago, am I still able to feel this transit? Much love, thank you. ✨


I have transit now pluto to my 8th house aquarius..but born with pluto in scorpio....what does that mean..!!!??


Hello! Thank you for this video. What if natal Pluto is retrograde in Scorpio in 8th house. How would that play out? Thank you❤️
