How To Use Keurig MINI Plus Brewing System

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Keurig Red MINI Plus Brewing System - 20079

Perfect for small homes vacation homes and home offices. This personal brewer will suit your busy lifestyle - anywhere that you call home. The MINI Plus Brewing System brews a perfect cup of coffee tea hot cocoa or iced beverage in under two minutes at the touch of a button. With the choice of three cup sizes the MINI Plus brewer offers a removable drip tray to accommodate short travel mugs. To operate you simply add fresh water into the single-use reservoir choose your favorite K-Cup pack brew and enjoy.


-Includes 6-count K-Cup variety pack
-Personal Brewer
-Choice of 3 cup sizes (6 oz. 8 oz. and 10 oz.)
-Single-use water reservoir
-Energy Savings Mode -- Auto Off after 90 seconds
-Single Cup Brewer Model Series: B31
-Power: 1425 Watts
-Voltage: 120VAC / 60Hz
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Thank you YouTube for the video of the Kurieg machine. I'm visiting my daughter and grandbabies and didn't want to wake anyone. YouTube made it so simple.


Thank you ma'am for this very simple 1 minute video.
Just watched a 12 minute video of somebody doing the same exact thing. This is the way they should be done, right to the point. You got a like from me


Thank you, I never thought I would use a video on youtube on how to use a coffee machine haha.


Thank you because I’m in Bermuda at a friends home she has the exact same one. I had no clue how to use it . Lol


My drip tray was full. Where is the water coming from that fills up the drip tray. I see it’s water not coffee in the drip tray.
Where and why is the tray filling up with water? Thanks.


I received the newest mini Keurig and I was wondering if I can use the cups more than once. It seems as if there is a lot of stuff left in the cup but when I reuse it, it comes out watery.


My gf gave me one n the water has been coming out the side and bottom of the kurig system how do i fix it?


Probably the worst keurig i've ever had to work with
