Motivation for Everything - Binaural Beats & Isochronic Tones (With Subliminal Messages)

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This recording uses both Binaural Beats and Isochronic Tones.

This recording starts at a frequency of 2.75 hz (Delta) and slowly decreases over the course of 45 minutes, down to a frequency of 2.00 hz (Delta) for the remainder of the recording. This recording also contains subliminal messages. You will find the list of subliminal messages below.


Q. Are headphones required?

A. Isochronic Tones and Subliminal Messages can be absorbed with or without headphones, so users can listen without headphones if they wish. However, headphones are recommended in order to benefit from the Binaural Beats.

Q. Do I listen while sleeping or awake?

A. You can listen to this recording whilst asleep or awake, both methods are equally as effective.

Q. Can I listen while driving, or when I’m at work?

A. No. You should refrain from doing anything that requires concentration such as the operation of machinery or driving. This is for your own safety as some people may experience temporary drowsiness. I recommend that you listen while sleeping, relaxing, meditating, or enjoying activities such as drawing or reading.

Q. How do subliminal messages work?

A. Compared to regular audio, the subliminal affirmation messages are recorded at many different frequencies and volumes, therefore you will be unable to hear the messages consciously. Because you are unable to hear the messages consciously, they bypass the part of your mind that analyses information, thus enabling the messages to go directly to your subconscious mind, allowing them to be absorbed as a factual new reality.

Q. How long until I get results?

A. It varies. Some people will only have to listen for a matter of minutes to notice an improvement, whereas others will need to listen for several hours over the course of a few days.

Q. At what volume should I play the recording?

A. At whatever volume you find most comfortable; but a low to medium volume would be optimal.

Q. What should I do if I have more questions?

Here is a list of all the subliminal affirmations/messages in this recording.

I have full belief in myself and my abilities

Getting things done makes me feel happy and proud

I can do anything I want, and achieve anything I desire

I am a winner

I always get results

I am a highly productive person

From the moment I wake-up, I feel wide-awake and full of energy

From the moment I wake-up, I am full of motivation

Today is filled with opportunity

I stay motivated for long periods of time

I am an organised person

I am an enthusiastic person

My motivation grows stronger every day

I enjoy challenges

I push myself to be the best

I always get things done straight away

I enjoy working hard

I can focus for long periods of time

I am full of positive energy

I complete every task I start

I am a strong-minded person

I am a highly motivated person

I am a go-getter, and I will not stop until I achieve my goals

I am aware of how powerful my mind is

My energy levels are naturally very high

My willpower allows me to do anything

I am a strong, powerful person

I am committed to achieving my goals

I am achieving my goals

I push myself to be better

I am in total control of my abilities

I am in total control of my destiny

People are always amazed at how motivated I am

I constantly do things that improve my life

I have a strong mind and a strong body

I get things done right away

I make the most of every day

I achieve things every day

I feel proud of myself every day

I succeed in everything I do

I am an amazing person that can do anything

I am a positive person that is full of energy

I achieve every goal I set myself

(((((All of the above are repeated throughout the recording)))))

Рекомендации по теме

I have been in a depressive episode for a month now, to the point where I couldn’t get out of bed. I stopped doing my uni assignments and eating properly. I listened to this last night and today I actually got up did homework and went grocery shopping for meals! :) thanks, means a lot to me.


Be Kind to humans and animals while being as loving and positive as you can no matter what circumstances we are in is the key to a change to and for a great peaceful healthy prosperous life with good luck and Gods blessings, say Yes next time and every time for positivity and happiness by saying Yes and just go out and try it you’ll like it! OneLove Tony G. From OB, Ocean Beach, San Diego, Cali


Need to listen to this more frequently, I need to recover interest in my studies, this will help in the process. TY


goin thru that teenage laziness that’s really destroying my future.
Meditated on this to this and finally found motivation to get school work and pick up production again.
From my heart I truly thank you.


This is literally the reason I was able to finish my thesis. Thank you very much, I am eternally grateful for your work.


Played this last night for the first time and had the best nights sleep since my husband passed three years ago. Playing it again tonight and hoping I can recapture some motivation and energy. Beautiful music too, I usually avoid the ones with water sounds as they make me wake up wanting the bathroom or I have bad dreams that I am stuck in a flood! Thank you.


maybe listening to this will help me get motivated to clean the house. lol


I’m in pain pretty much 24/7. I’m pretty sure the subliminal to this are working. I’m getting more done, but the music is exquisite. It keeps me asleep longer between medication times. Definitely my fav that you’ve done and I listen to yours more than anyone else’s. Thank you for your work.


This is a new one for me. I always check the subliminal messages b4 listening to the track in its entirety. This one is exactly what I've looked for. I have a feeling that a big, beautiful door has opened


Thomas: The extraordinary people in this world are more often than not ordinary folk who put something extra back into life. Thank you Thomas for being such an extraordinary soul. Your music has been such a huge part of my personal recovery process and has motivated me to find that extra in me that I can give back to life.


I’ve been listening to this for about a week now. I have been more motivated and in a better mood than I have been in a long time!! I missed 2 nights and the days following I was back to my depressed, unmotivated self. So yes, I convinced that this really helps!! I switch to the one that is intense energy when I get up. I have gotten more done in the past week than I have in months!! Thank you!!!! 😀🎉🥳💜


This totally worked for me last night! Woke up full of energy and had a great day at work! Now here I am..3 hours after I should’ve already been asleep. Fingers crossed I get the same results tomorrow 🥴


Thank you. I don't think it's a coincidence that I've been feeling more positive energy and regularly experience bouts of uncontrollable smiling. I feel the power of my consciousness. Thank you 🙏


i wish for each of you that listen to this a healthy and wealthy life full of happiness every single day and i know all of you will be successful cause you all deserve the best, god loves you all and he is with you all the time


I just learned that I have cptsd, ADHD, clinical depression and a few other health issues after 48 years of wondering what's wrong with me.
I'm sorry to anyone who is suffering here.


I am having a better day at work than usual, with this playing in the background while I work. This may have to be my new "habit".


My laziness is killing me... I'm going to lose my job and apartment if I don't get my act together... This is my last


Prosperity is your birthright, and you hold the key to more abundance – in every area of your life – than you can possibly imagine.


I can’t believe this actually works. Never believed in this type of stuff but I’ve listened to this every single night for months and my sleep has drastically improved and so has my productivity. I’ve tried others but for some reason this specific one is the only one that helps me.


Thank you so much for this video. The first time I heard it, I woke up and got up right away! No snoozing or hating to get up. I have a request..can you do one for letting go of toxic relationships? Truly need it 🙏
