Zano Controls - Why Do My LED Lights Come On At Different Levels?

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Zano Controls - The home of LED dimming ⚡
In this video, Thomas from our technical team answers the question 'why do my lights come on at different levels and different controls, when using my ZSMARTLED?'
Our ZSMARTLED is a revolutionary product that allows easy fit, 3-way dimming on a single circuit. This technology is exclusive and only available to buy from Zano Controls.
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In this video, Thomas from our technical team answers the question 'why do my lights come on at different levels and different controls, when using my ZSMARTLED?'
Our ZSMARTLED is a revolutionary product that allows easy fit, 3-way dimming on a single circuit. This technology is exclusive and only available to buy from Zano Controls.
#zanocontrols #zano #teamzano #LED #leddimming #leddimmer #ledlight #ledlighting #electrician #electrical #ukelectrician #electricianuk #sparky #dimmer #dimmerswitch #lightdesign #lightingdesign #architecture #lightingarchitecture #archicturallighting #diy #handyman #engineering #business #product #wholesale #electricalwholesale #multipointdimming #3waydimming