How to make beats in Reaper with NO HARDWARE | Wodzu Beats

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In this tutorial I'm going to show you how to make beats in Reaper without using any external hardware except your computer and an optional pair of headphones. This is a great method of making beats on the go when you're not at your home studio.

#wodzubeats #musicproduction #reaperdaw

🔌 Plugins I'm using w/ affiliate links:
- Cockos ReaPlugs (Reaper's stock plugins)
- ReaSamplomatic5000 (my main sampler)
- Xfer Serum Wavetable Synth
- Native Instruments Massive Synth
- Sonivox Orchestral Companion Brass
- Sonivox Orchestral Companion Strings
- Sonivox Orchestral Companion Woodwinds
- iZotope Vocal Doubler
- iZotope Vinyl
- Variety of Sound epicVerb
- Waves Tune LT
- Neural DSP Fortin Nameless Suite Amp Sim
- Neural DSP Archetype: Plini Amp Sim
- Neural DSP Archetype: Nolly Amp Sim
- TSE B.O.D. Bass Distortion Sim

🎛️ Studio gear I'm using:
- M-Audio Profire 2626 audio interface (studio interface)
- Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 Gen 3 audio interface (travel interface)
- Akai MPD218 (mpd 218) midi controller (travel pads)
- Nektar Impact LX25+ midi controller (travel keys)
- Casio Privia PX-100 (main MIDI controller)
- Presonus Faderport v2 production controller
- Adam A3X studio monitors
- Resident Audio M8 studio monitors
- Yamaha NS-M125 passive speakers
- Beyerdynamic DT 990 PRO 250ohm open headphones
- Audio Technica M30x closed headphones
- Yamaha MG 10/2 mixing console
- Unitra Fonica GS461 vinyl player
- VOX Valvetronix VT20+ electric guitar amplifier
- MXL 770 condenser microphone
- MXL 2006 condenser microphone

⌚ Timestamps:
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I was waiting for this kinda tutorial 😂✍🏾🏆


Hey Wodzu, hope all is well and healthy for you!
Where did you learn your piano skills?
Do you think I should focus on learning the piano to get better at beat making or something else?


Just got a question, not relevant to the video. But how do you assign each of your beat pad akai to each track in Reaper? So for example the 1st track under the drum bus, you want to assign to pad 1, hi-hat is track 2 and assigned to pad 2 etc.


You're the best, thanks dawg! Best wishes.


im a beginner, how come when I try to use my MIDI virtual keyboard I don't hear anything?

Автор do i get my beats off Reaper? and which and how to upload to a program?


How are you doing this without latency and making video at the same time? When I use Direct sound or Waveout there is latency between keystroke and midi input. If I use Asio4all, no latency, but can't make videos at the same time. Love your videos.


How do you record with no letency issues


I've tried to do this but everything gets out of time, what could be the problem?


The virtual keybord is not making any sound, even when selected. Does anyone know what I sould do?


While using my computer keyboard to record it's normally not on time, how can I fix the problem (out put letency issues)


sup my guy, hope you're good!!! Man, how I would like to make some beats outside like this, but unfortunately things are very tuff down here, probably I would be robbed in five minutes or less, you know what mean?! lol Joke apart, I use this methodology with the virtual keyboard but can't wait for an akai or something
