The Truth About Degrees In The Humanities

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An education centred around the Humanities was a core part of schooling in the Western world for over 200 years. Now, their importance is in more doubt than ever.

Unfortunately, what was once an important field of study to further people’s understanding of the world has been hijacked and turned into a tool for indoctrination, where key skills to foster are secondary to the agenda being put across

Can you still make the most of these degrees and leave as a more cultured, interesting person who can all on history, philosophy and customs to present well structured arguments? Yes, but only if you’re truly intentional about fostering those skills.

Will you definitely be coming across ideas and themes that aren’t ideal for you to adopt at best, and a dangerous and damaging outlook on life at worst? Absolutely.

In order to make the best decision possible for yourself, make sure you consider the full scope of the situation that you’re in, and that you’re intentional about developing the skills that you want to get out of them.
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