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After 30 minutes they have to warm up again like wtf


I hate people who calls it soccer its football man


I’m American, and it’s football, not soccer, and this halftime show rule sucks.


fifa is killing fotboll can someone else be the president of FIFA


Imagine losing 3-0 at first half and Tylor swift performing😭


30 MIN, WHAT?!?!
Nah, this has to change


The only sport which needs halftime shows is cricket.


Football is secretly just becoming about money, more matches, more tournaments, it's becoming stressful for the footballers and things like this make us real football fan sick of this game😢


What has football become man every game is depressing, like in the good old days when ronaldo and messi where at their primes. when players also losing flair and skill nowadays football is just not fun anymore.


That was my main fear: Disruptions to the rules of the game


When ronaldo is against fifa some people are calling him jealous or rude but that's what happening now


As an American myself, I’m absolutely agree on “football”, people kick with the foot, I have absolutely no idea why “soccer”


Back then football is played passionately now players are playing football for money


Imagine losing 5-0 against ronaldo and having to wait 30 minutes just for Kendrick and sza to sing 5 songs😂


Would you like to play a story game?

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1: Always stay with one of your friends and never be alone.
2: If you hear a security guard near you hide immediately.
3: Do not steal from a store, leave money on the counter.
4: You need to be asleep by 2am.

❤: You died!
💛: You made a bad choice, but you survived.
💚: You’re safe… for now.

Context: You are outside at about 7:30pm with your friends Samantha and Hailey. You are shopping at your local mall and it is almost closing time. Hailey brings up an idea to try to stay after hours at the mall. You are too scared to do it but Hailey is your only ride home.

#1: The final closing announcement is heard in the store you are in. If you don't want to get caught you have to hide. Which store are you hiding in?

a) Sephora
b) Hair Salon
c) Clothing Store

a) ❤: There wasn't enough space for you and your friends to hide, and you got caught. You were killed by your parents.
b) 💛: You hid with all the supplies in the break room, but were very close to being found.
c) 💚: You were safe because you and your friends hid in clothing racks during closing.

#2: After all the security guards left you needed to find food because you and your friends were hungry. You walk into a candy shop and grab some things you like. What do you do next?

a) Make it look like someone robbed the store at night and you left without paying.
b) Leave a $10 bill which is more than enough to pay for the things you took.
c) Grab only a little bit of candy so the owner doesn't notice anything and leave.

a) ❤: The security guard hears the commotion and finds you and your friends.
b) 💚: Your sense of decency saved you and your friends from whatever consequences would have come if you hadn't paid.
c) 💛: You are safe for the night and nobody is hurt. For now...

#3: Hailey gets a notification on her phone that is from her mother. You three have to make up a lie that will save all of you from your parents. What do you do?

a) Tell Hailey's mom that you will be back in the morning and that you are sleeping over at another friend's house.
b) Tell Hailey's mom you were sleeping over at Samantha's house for the night.
c) Ignore the text.

a) 💛: You were close to death, but luckily Hailey's mom is very chill, so she didn't ask any follow-up questions.
b) ❤: Her mom wasn't questioning anything, but texted Samantha's mom to ask how the girls were doing. You all were killed the next day.
c) 💛: Close call on ignoring her, but she just thought you were busy and didn't ask anything again.

#4: It's getting late and you made a pile of clothes to sleep on that are hidden away. Samantha can't sleep and Hailey's snoring is preventing you from sleeping. What do you do?

a) Relax a bit and try to sleep again.
b) Stay awake and scroll on your phone.
c) Walk around the different stores and leave your friends in the clothing store.

a) 💚: You ended up fast asleep in 2 minutes, and so did Samantha, you are safe tonight.
b) ❤: A security guard saw the light from your phone and took you all into the jail under the mall.
c) ❤: You died because a mysterious figure attacked you and nobody was there to help you.

#5: It is around 4:45 am and you hear a loud bang. Somehow only you wake up and everyone else is fast asleep. You decide to wake up your friends and explore the sound. What do you do next?

a) You go downstairs to the main area where you can see almost everywhere on the first floor.
b) You each separate and go into different stores searching for the source of the noise.
c) You stay on the second floor and explore quietly making sure everyone is safe.

a) ❤: Staying in the main area leaves you open to anything around you including security guards.
b) ❤: Welp you died, never go alone in a horror game/movie.
c) 💛: This is the best option even though it is quite dangerous to leave your spot in general. Staying together is good.

#6: You and your friends figure out the sound was caused by a bookshelf falling in the bookstore, but you were seen by a security guard after figuring this out. What do you do?

a) Run.
b) Hide.
c) Throw books at the security guard.

a) 💛: You got away but you were out of breath and Samantha had trouble turning on the car which led to a close chase with the guard.
b) 💚: You hid in one of the aisles and the security guard got confused and ran out of the store looking for you.
c) 💛: The books slowed the security guard down, but they made him angrier. You still managed to escape.

Congrats if you had made it this far! You and your friends escaped the mall! This took me about an hour and a half so please like my comment. <3


Football turning American is like baseball turning English😂😂😂😂


Bro aint nobody wanna see Kendrick, Tyla, etc, perform like i just wanna see my players on the feild 😭😭


I am really shocked with these rules 😔


For some reasons I think Perez might know something we don't know no wonder why he was trying to come up with Super League


It's not football anymore, It's FIFA...
