COVID-19 won't end when we hit vaccination goals: Expert

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"접종 목표 달성이 코로나 종식은 아닐 것"... 일주일 만에 12%p 넘게 올라간 델타 바이러스 검출률
South Korea is ramping up its vaccine campaign.
But with the rise of the Delta variant, some experts fear Covid-19 might drag on for years to come.
Kim Yeon-seung provides a deeper analysis. Cases of the Delta variant are rising at an alarming rate.
"The Delta virus,... with its high infectiousness, rapid transmissibility and its ability to reduce the effects of the vaccine,.. is making up more than 85 percent of the total cases."
After sampling more than a quarter of total infected cases, health authorities found that last week,... more than 85 percent of the cases and 98 percent of the variants of concern were the Delta variant.
"Usually viruses with a high mortality rate can't spread too far, because their host just dies. Like Ebola. But this Delta variant is different. A recent study from Canada shows that the Delta causes not only high hospitalisation rates but also higher mortality rates."
But there's still so much to figure out about the Delta,... and its seemingly unparalleled ability to spread.
In a quarantine quarters in New Zealand, the Delta virus latched onto another host through doors across the hall that were opened simultaneously for less than five seconds.
Experts say that the rise of Delta and the possible emergence of new variants might push back the end of the Covid by years.
"If herd immunity means the end of Covid-19,.. then we won't achieve that goal for a while. It's best for now to let go of the hope... that mask wearing and social distancing will immediately end after we hit the vaccination goals."
But this doesn't mean the vaccine is useless in front of Delta.
Experts and health authorities continue to reiterate the importance of getting vaccinated as the doses make it less likely that infection will lead to critical illness.
Kim Yeon-seung, Arirang News
#COVID19 #vaccination #infectious
2021-08-18, 22:00 (KST)
South Korea is ramping up its vaccine campaign.
But with the rise of the Delta variant, some experts fear Covid-19 might drag on for years to come.
Kim Yeon-seung provides a deeper analysis. Cases of the Delta variant are rising at an alarming rate.
"The Delta virus,... with its high infectiousness, rapid transmissibility and its ability to reduce the effects of the vaccine,.. is making up more than 85 percent of the total cases."
After sampling more than a quarter of total infected cases, health authorities found that last week,... more than 85 percent of the cases and 98 percent of the variants of concern were the Delta variant.
"Usually viruses with a high mortality rate can't spread too far, because their host just dies. Like Ebola. But this Delta variant is different. A recent study from Canada shows that the Delta causes not only high hospitalisation rates but also higher mortality rates."
But there's still so much to figure out about the Delta,... and its seemingly unparalleled ability to spread.
In a quarantine quarters in New Zealand, the Delta virus latched onto another host through doors across the hall that were opened simultaneously for less than five seconds.
Experts say that the rise of Delta and the possible emergence of new variants might push back the end of the Covid by years.
"If herd immunity means the end of Covid-19,.. then we won't achieve that goal for a while. It's best for now to let go of the hope... that mask wearing and social distancing will immediately end after we hit the vaccination goals."
But this doesn't mean the vaccine is useless in front of Delta.
Experts and health authorities continue to reiterate the importance of getting vaccinated as the doses make it less likely that infection will lead to critical illness.
Kim Yeon-seung, Arirang News
#COVID19 #vaccination #infectious
2021-08-18, 22:00 (KST)