Security Setting EVERY Apple User Needs to Fix (Tutorial)

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With iOS 16.2, Apple has introduced their new "Advanced Data Protection" feature, which is just a fancy way of saying a more encrypted iCloud. Learn what this means for you and get a step-by-step tutorial for how you can turn it on for your own iPhone or Mac.

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Video Timestamps
0:00 - Introduction to End-to-End Encryption
0:56 - Understanding Encryption
2:20 - What Data Apple Does and Doesn't Encrypt
4:15 - How to Turn on Advanced Data Protection (tutorial)
6:42 - Why NOT to Turn on this Feature?

Up until recently, Apple had the key to much of the data that we stored from our iPhone and Mac in the iCloud. Now that they have given us the ability to turn on encryption via Advanced Data Protection, it's up to you to take the necessary steps to make that happen.

#cybersecurity #mobilesecurity #encryption
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Are you going to turn on Advanced Data Protection for your iCloud account? Leave a comment below to let me know if this was helpful!


I bet SOOOO many people end up locking themselves out of their accounts with this. I get why Apple allows it. I understand why people should use it, but most people don't even know how to manage their simple 8 digit password, much less a password, a pin code and keeping track of a 28 character key.... I would advise that only with extensive data protection knowledge, do this. Don't go to mom's house and encrypt her phone and lose all her stuff.


Just an FYI to anyone who might not know, recovery contacts only works if the other person is using an Apple product too.


Once it comes to my country I'll definitely be turning it on. Some privacy advocates are still advocating alternative places to store your data - is that just an extreme privacy measure? Or is there another reason? (I know Apple tracks telemetry so it could just be that.)


I haven’t even watched a video and I gave it away just because you’re covering topic. I wanted a simple easy explanation of this. I was aware it was available and haven’t taken the time to figure it out. Thank you for the video.


Would you recommend keeping your encryption passkey in 1Password? If so, since it’s not really a login, would you keep it in the secure notes category or would you keep it in the login category?



Great review however, I've got one question. Those using Windows and subscribed to iCloud are they able to use and setup the Advanced Data Protection via the browser or the dedicated iCloud Windows app? Been contemplating of getting iCloud mainly, because of the E2EE protection over other cloud services. Tks.


Helo and Thanks for the explanation. Could you please tell me if screen sharing through iMessage from Mac to Mac is encrypted? Thanks 😊


Thank you for this common sense explanation of the pros and cons of this addition step.


good video, do i need to turn this ON even i don’t have icloud? i use my computer as a back up not on icloud.


Thanks for a very clear video. I do have another question. If I lose access to all my Apple devices, let say from fire or otherwise destroyed, can I still access iCloud from a web browser ? Is the problem the fact that because I don't have any devices I won't have any means to access 2FA and therefore I will need a recovery key from a trusted contact (previously set up) or fill in the long recovery key ?


Great video. Onze question: im running a apple Familiy Construction in oud household. If i encrypt my personal data would i be able to still have shared notes and pages documents wint my spouse? It recon you lose that functionality also?


Just an FYI to anyone with an older device on your iCloud account that isn't compatible with Advanced Data Encryption, if you remove that device from your iCloud and enable encryption on your iCloud there is a very good chance you will NOT be able to re-add that device if you turn the encryption off. Apple instructions on disabling the Advanced Data Encryption imply that older devices can be on your account if the encryption is off, however I am now locked out of my iCloud account on my Mac Mini late 2014 even with the data encryption off. I removed it from my iCloud during the process of enabling the data encryption so maybe if you remove the older device prior to beginning the process it would be OK but I can't verify that would work either.


Dude.... you're good. Informative .... excellent delivery.


This is such a helpful video!Thank you for all this information!
I just have one question.
Does this protect us if we suspect keylogger on our phone? I think someone is tracking what I type, but can’t be sure. Thanks again.😊


@All Things Secured, I don't know much about computers and that's why I subscribed to your channel. Therefore, I have a question for you: Do you recommend switching on "Access iCloud Data On The Web" under iCloud settings on my Mac? Furthermore, can you explain the securities pros and cons of turning this feature on? Maybe you should consider doing a video about this for beginners like myself.


What's the best antivirus or anti malware to get to prevent spyware and stalker ware from getting on your device in the first place. And remove it If you have it. I know you said cert in one video. But what antivirus can you use to prevent it from happening in the first place. And Certos just for iPhone, what about Mac and laptops. What's the best antivirus for those.


I’m pretty illiterate with this stuff so pardon me if this is a stupid question lol, is Advanced Data Protection, and linking your iPhone with a Yubico security key pretty much a mutually exclusive security move, or would you actually want to do both? Thanks.


How secure would my iPhone be if I enabled both this and lockdown mode?


ADP not available in UK yet. Thanks anyway - will update when it is.
