'Negative signals'! East Europe NATO allies worry about Wagner, Prigozhin’s move to Belarus

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Belarusian President Lukashenko confirmed on Tuesday the arrival of the head of Wagner Group in his country.

Prigozhin's whereabouts had been a mystery since he was filmed driving off in southern Russia on Saturday night. His private jet was tracked flying into the Belarus capital Minsk on Tuesday.

Lukashenko said his country would help the Wagner leader and some of his troops at their own expense. According to Lukashenko, he offered them an abandoned military base where they can erect their tents.

Under the deal that brought an end to the mutiny, Prigozhin has been promised security and the Russian criminal case against Wagner has been dropped.

Moscow is preparing to transfer the mercenaries’ heavy weapons into regular military and the fighters have been told they can either sign regular army contracts, go home or head to Belarus.

On Tuesday, Polish President Duda said the movement of Wagner Group to Belarus is a negative signal for Poland.

Duda made this remark before he headed for talks with other NATO leaders.

The leaders agreed that the allies should continue to bolster their forces along NATO’s eastern flank.

NATO’s chief Stoltenberg added the alliance may decide to further boost its strength to face Russia and its ally Belarus when NATO leaders meet in the Lithuanian capital of Vilnius on July 11-12.
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Рекомендации по теме

the real serial murderers from Nato calling Wagner serial killers. What a laugh


I see that Duda has changed his nappies several times a day😂. See. Don't bark too loud. Lukashenko is so smart. He wants to offer the mercenary chief a place to set up his military camp ❤❤❤. Hurray!


Well everything are came from Russia are negative according nato why bother. Just deploy wagner along polish border.


Every Army group is a killer group even the Afghanistan group of America is sent by NATO group is a Killer group don't use words lighty and expert Fear wail u have the same Group 😢❤❤❤


What about Polish serial killers in Ukraine?


Eastern Europe facing security problem???
I believe a few years ago, the Europeans were saying Ukrainian militants at Russian border is not a problem.
This is exactly having a taste of their own medicine. 😂😂😂


Prigozhin will be perfectly positioned with his troops in Belarus to compete for the post of presidency in the Ukraine.😀


Well the old lad needs a good holiday to recharge his batteries.


Now NATO feels what 🇷🇺 Russia feels as President Vladimir Putin had told them in his historic Speech at the 2007 Munich Security Conference in Berlin. 🤫🌞🕊🌍


Wagner group is a must, it is a shield against NATO imperialists


Prihizhin on FBI wadnted list currently, coz he left his CIA payment in Rostov


It might be a trap for the belarus president to remove him 🤔🤔


MessrsPMCWagne effectiveness in Artyomosvk surely has boosted their reputation before it even setup camp in Belarus😸


It's time to go in and remove that dictator asap


We worry about the stability of Europe if anything does happen, NATO will deal with them accordingly and ruthlessly!
