Celestial's False Prophecy?

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Follow Her to Hell!
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You might want to come back and revisit this critique


I will follow her since I'm watching her repentance series which is helping me overcome sin. Thank you


She is speaking the things I wish I had the platform to speak, God is in Control 🔥🎺🎺🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼


How can you say it is not true, or better yet you say it's clear that it is false, when it can still happen? You actually used some manipulation in your presentation because it is not clear, it can still happen. Biden might just retire for whatever reason and VP take office. Those of you who twist her words and lie on her, to me show your own level of integrity is obviously coming up short cause you did this to get views I have seen a couple of others do the same, they twist her words and blatantly lie on her to make a false point. I am not 100% about her and praying concerning her, but please don't ruin your own reputation in the process, cause I imagine she has a prophecy about those who do.


"Touch not mine anoited, do my prophet no harm ..."
You might want to wait before you rush to judgement next time .... 🏃🏽‍♂️🧎🏽‍♂️
It's ok we forgive you 😑


I'm guilty for listening to her regarding T.D Jakes. She tried to prophecy death on him, which was disturbing to me, even though I don't agree how T.D Jakes have turned out and how he sold is soul to the world, but that's another conversation.


Man I recently discovered there’s so many of these types on YouTube. SO MANY!


I want to post this comment, as I have seen one person in the comments section say that we're judging or calling out other "Christians" too much. First of all, I don't think this is applicable to false prophets and false teachers, as I don't consider the vast majority of these people to be truly regenerate, considering how much they defame the name of our Lord, without any sense of remorse or repentance over their sins in taking the name of the Lord in vain with saying that He said certain things, when He never did. Secondly, the Apostle Paul warned the Ephesian church night and day for three years, regarding the false teachers who were going to creep into the church (Acts 20:28-31). Jesus Himself warned about false prophets in Matthew 7:15. The Apostle Peter warned us about both false teachers and false prophets in 2 Peter 2:1. Jude warned about false teachers creeping into church in Jude 1:4 and the Apostle John warned us to not believe every spirit, but to test the spirits, to see whether they are from God, as many false prophets have gone out into the world in 1 John 4:1.


Biden dropped out and Kamala is in the She was right, unfortunately.


She should examine what god is she hearing all these prophecies from


She said, he will not go his full term, she said he will be president! What did you hear ?


Hear, Hear, all of those who have ears to listen! BeHaShem Yeshua/Yahusha HaMaschiach! HalleluYah, v-amein!


I’ve heard wise men say over and over “ if you want to hear God speak, read his word, if you want to hear His words audibly, read out loud “


I guess Isaiah was off his meds too when he walked naked and barefoot for 3years at God's instruction. Isaiah 20:3
Or Jeremiah when he walked around with a yoke on his neck.

Friends, we ought to be very careful not to call God's prophets mad. You have no idea what God is capable of.

The wise will keep silent, fear the Lord, listen and observe.


People don't want the truth. They want this light "Jesus died for all your sins and you can do whatever western Christianity. They don't want to hear the harsh truth about the wages of sin..


I asked God for discernment concerning her and still waiting.. I've watched some of her videos and it encouraged me to get serious with God...walking on that straight and narrow path.🙏🏽🙏🏽


If you don't believe in what someone says, why do you bother talking about them? Also why do people have to sort your input, does your say means you are authority on who is false and true! Please continue preaching the word of God and not divide people. It is so rude of you to say another person needs meds, you can disagree with her and not insult her says a person who calls himself a child of God!


You look like fool now sir… you’re carnal sir…. You need to come back in apologize to her… you’re the that’s wrong 😂


I don't know anything about her. But until we can appropriately confirm her prophecies, we dont need to readily accept or reject what she says. We just need to test it like the Bible says do.

"Do not quench the Spirit. Do not treat prophecies with contempt but test them all; hold on to what is good, reject every kind of evil."
(‭‭1 Thessalonians‬ ‭5:19‭-‬22‬ ‭NIV‬‬)

‭‭"Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world." (1 John 4:1 NIV)


As of July 24, 2024, with the news of his withdrawal, it looks like you may need to come back and correct this message. Time will tell. I hope you're wrong that you'll acknowledge it as vehemently as you mocked her.
