Train - Hey Soul Sister - Lip Dub UVic (Official)

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Lip Dub's song "Hey Soul Sister" produced by the University of Vic (UVIC) during May 2010. Approximately 900 people appeared on this Lip Dub. The initiative comes from Advertising and Public Relations students. (Directors: Daniel Feixas & Santi Hausmann)

Lip Dub de la cançó "Hey soul sister" realitzat per la Universitat de Vic (UVIC) durant el maig del 2010. Aproximadament 900 persones apareixen en aquest Lip Dub. La iniciativa surt de l'assignatura de creativitat dels estudiants de Publicitat i relacions públiques. (Directors: Daniel Feixas i Santi Hausmann)

Le LipDub de la chanson "Hey soul sister" a été réalisé par l'université de Vic (UVIC) au mois du mai 2010. Environ 900 personnes apparaissent dans ce LipDub. L'initiative est sortie des étudiants de Publicité et de relations publiques, du cours de créativité (Directeurs : Daniel Feixas et Santi Hausmann).

Lip Dub della canzone "Hey Soul Sister" realizzato dall'Università di Vic (UVic) a maggio 2010. Circa 900 persone partecipano in questo Lip Dub. L'iniziativa nasce dal corso di creatività degli studenti di Publicità e Relazioni Pubbliche. (Registi: Daniel Feixas e Santi Hausmann)

Lip Dub da música "Hey Soul Sister", realizado pela Universidade de Vic (UVic), durante Maio de 2010. Cerca de 900 pessoas aparecen no Lip Dub. A iniciativa surge no âmbito da criatividade dos alunos em Publicidade e Propaganda e Relações Públicas. (Diretores: Daniel Feixas e Santi Hausmann)

A "Hey Soul Sister" c. dal Lip Dub-ja melyet az Universitat de Vic (UVIC) készített 2010 májusában. Kb. 900 ember jelenik meg ebben a videóban. A kezdeményezés a Kreativitás tantárgyat tanuló diákoktól származik, akik a Kommunikáció és PR szakra járnak. (Rendező: Daniel Feixas és Santi Hausmann)

LipDub de la canción "Hey Soul Sister" realizada por la Universidad de Vic (Uvic) durante el mayo de 2010. Aproximadamente 900 personas aparecen en este LipDub. La iniciativa sale de la asignatura de creatividad de los estudiantes de Publicidad y Relaciones Publicas. (Directores: Daniel Feixas i Santi Hausmann)

Рекомендации по теме

Came here after 13 years by coincidence! Still remember being there during the recording day, and the whole university was in there! 🤩


Like many before me, this video evokes in me an emotional response. Everyone just enjoying each others company and companionship. I have watched this video over and over for 13 years! It never gets old and well, its just brings me joy! Thanks!


Hands up to the first and best lip dub ever made!
I still remember when I saw it for the first time


Pasan los años y sigo volviendo hasta video 12 años después, muestra de que es una obra maestra que ni siquiera el paso del tiempo desgasta


Coming from British Columbia I hate to say this, but your lipdub is still the best ever. Both UVic (Canada) and UBC have proved that using two songs breaks the continuity. Your choice of music maintains a steady momentum that strings all your well planned scenes together seamlessly without a feeling that it ever lost its way in the middle. Well done, and thanks for setting such a high standard.


Amazing how emotional it can be to see a group of people coming together to do something like this. Pure joy to watch. THANK YOU!!!

BTW - I'm from the other UVIC - loved to see that video as well, but didn't like the competitive tone at the beginning. Both universities should collaborate on an international lipdub - would be AWESOME!!!!


De vez en cuando me acuerdo de este video y vuelvo a verlo. Es una puta obra maestra.


There is something so wonderful and human in these types of videos. I just love it


Recordando los Viejos tiempos. Si estas leyendo esto, es porque lo abras visto hace años.


No me canso de ver este lipdub tan maravilloso. Enhorabuena a todos los catalanes que habeis hecho semejante trabajo. Zorionak!
Viva Catalunya independiente!!!!


The sense of community and enjoyment more than outweighs any temporary inconvenience over a weekend (it was not on a school day and the library isn't in heavy use, this early in the semester). The 24 Hour Relay is another example. I see so many students who are feeling stressed and lonely, and events like this can be a big help. Also the practical organizing skills are valuable for later jobs in the private and public sectors -- my friends in biz /admin agree.


Very, very, very nice! One of the most beautiful things that i've ever seen in life. Congratulations to everybody! You're amazing!
A hug from Brazil!


Definitely, Vic (Barcelona, Catalonia) is the capital of lip-dubs, this and the catalonia independient garantizees this


Si la vida fos un lipdub...cagun tot quina felicitat que transmeten els lipdubs ben fets!! visca els lipdubs i visca catalunya, com sempre, clavantla amb tot els catalans!! Vic imparable!


Gonna miss those years.. Reporting from Corona20.


genial nois! el millor mai vist. la meva nena de 2 anys no vol menjar si no li poso. tots estem bocabadats amb el video. simpatic, fresc, imaginatiu... tipic de vic.


I've seen upwards of 200 lip-dubs and i gotta say, this is for sure one of the better ones. Aside from the fact that it isn't technically a TRUE lip-dub due to the 2 takes instead of one, it was amazing. The way everyone worked together and it was done flawlessly. I loved the domino's! And the whole flow of the thing was great. Great job guys. ;)


I don't have ever seen so much harmony!


Just wanna say that both UVICs rock! Talk about teamwork spirit.


Is This just 3 take ?  Unbelievable .This is the best fmb ive ever seen.
