'You started WT because of ME?'

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#daebom #warthunder #animation
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Here are a few to help with understanding the "Old Guard" though I couldn't include them in the video.
1. They know where you are.
2. They know what you spawned.
3. They remember all map's distance.
4. They are skilled.

But some of them not.
Anyway I hope watching WT, no playing WT.


*Small Dot in 15km+ distance*

Old Guard : Oh yes, thats A6M6, lets climb


I started playing WT because I was attracted by Daebom's anthropomorphic depiction of tanks. Thank you


"Now I am become Death, the destroyer of Daebom WT newbies"
-some "Old Guard" player, probably.


Everyone: Joined WT because of Daebom

That one guy that joined WT because of GuP:


Viewer: I started War Thunder because of you, hah--!
Dae: **grabs hand**
Viewer: huh--?
Dae: **kneeling** I'm so sorry...


Tbh I also started play War Thunder because of you.


>Old Guard
Of course I know him, he’s me!


My disk with Wartunder installed died recently, i think it was a sign from God


Yesterday one man spawned in BM-31-12, did 6 kills in first minute of battle, then spawned on PE-8, did 5 kills, then re-spawned on it and did 5 kills again.

3 minutes since battle started and half of my team in gone. You are talking about the "Old Guards", but i face the Boss of the WarThunder.


I haven't played for almost a year, and with each animation i go back to play more and more battles.


If you're here and starting Warthunder because of daebom, here are some starter tips in case you go into ground mode:
Battle rating vs vehicle tier: the battle rating of the vehicle determines who you will be up against, as the matchmaker works on a +/- 1 to the vehicles in your lineup. If your vehicle is 3.3 for example then going into a match you will face vehicles ranging in battle rating from 3.3 up to 4.3 maximum or down to 2.3 minimum, if you have a lineup with multiple battle ratings then the matchmaker will apply the +/- 1 to the highest battle rating vehicle in your lineup. If you take a 4.3 into your lineup and all the others are 3.3 than you will be facing up to battle rating 5.3 due to your 4.3 vehicle. Make sure your vehicles in your lineup all have the same battle rating, or you will end up getting in over your head and will end up as free food for the enemy team.
As for vehicle tier, all this does is determine if you can complete daily challenges as well as the innate bonuses for silver lions (the in game standard currency) and RP (Research points).

Warthunder is a learning experience:
Warthunder requires you to use your brain, memorization of the abilities of what your tanks and the enemies can do as well as things like round penetration, post pen damage, map orientation and general teamwork.

Warthunder is a game based around teamwork:
There are a plethora of videos on youtube showing high kill counts in ground battles. This is because these savvy players are up against a team without any situational awareness or cohesion. If you hear the "ATTENTION TO THE MAP!" audio line then look to your minimap in the bottom right corner of the screen, as an area on the map is being marked where an enemy has been spotted. If someone uses the "Cover me!" audio line then they are either about to move forwards or are getting shot at by the enemy and need help. Helping out team mates by getting assists and helping with repairs will get you additional Silver lions and RP in game, there is also a victory bonus if your team wins the match, meaning you get more SL and RP on top of what you already earned.

Crew Skill level vs Player profile level:

A player's profile level has nothing to do with the performance of any vehicle in game. This is what Crew skill level is. A fully leveled crew for your ground, naval, or air will perform much more efficiently than one with low skill, this is enhanced further by Crew Qualification level, which offers a passive boost to your crew's level (+3 for Expert, +5 for Ace)


Being able to identify planes based on position, heading and altitude is so real. And the omniscient ground gods detecting what make, model and year your tank is based on engine noise alone too.

I’m a competent air player, less of a competent tanker. This game is based on social engineering, flank routes are predetermined, flight paths even more so. You playing to the strengths of your vehicle highlights both you and your enemies’ weakness. The best players acknowledge and reverse that.


Us old guards try not to go seal clubbing at all times, but sometimes we need a break every now and again


A moment of silence for those dragged back into WT and those still grinding


At this point, we all play WT out of habit
Happiness does not exist inside hell.


Old guard players "Are you prepared for the kind of death you've earned little man?"


Some WT "Old Guard": "No, I was already starting it before you came along."


lmao the identification of the plane from a million miles away is literally me playing sim

and so is miss clicking all the time


(Airplane noise*)
Hellcat: You're listening to!
(KA-BOOM*, Cat meowing*)
Hellcat: W.T 19.45 FM, War Thunder
(.50 Cal firing off*)
("Attack the D point!")
Hellcat: Coming at you live from the studio as requested from a listener, we'll be playing "Happy Nations".
