COULD in Spanish: PUDE, PODÍA, PODRÍA - No More Mistakes

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Todays Spanish lesson focusses on the often confusing ways there are to say COULS in Spanish. Is it Podía, pude or podría? Avoid the pitfalls and mistakes with this easy to follow video.
No need to memorise language or even try to remember it. After just 5 minutes you'll be speaking Spanish in sentences.
ProSpanish teaches you how to put language together to communicate in everyday Spanish situations. The focus is on structures which can be manipulated and used in multiple contexts, as opposed to vocabulary themes which are of limited use. Our approach has proved so effective because it avoids abstract grammar explanations and employs a variety of techniques which always lead to rapid progress. Learn Spanish with the essential building blocks.
No need to memorise language or even try to remember it. After just 5 minutes you'll be speaking Spanish in sentences.
ProSpanish teaches you how to put language together to communicate in everyday Spanish situations. The focus is on structures which can be manipulated and used in multiple contexts, as opposed to vocabulary themes which are of limited use. Our approach has proved so effective because it avoids abstract grammar explanations and employs a variety of techniques which always lead to rapid progress. Learn Spanish with the essential building blocks.
COULD in Spanish: PUDE, PODÍA, PODRÍA - No More Mistakes
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