The Economics of Star Wars: How the Empire collapses

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Using economic modeling and systems risk analysis, engineering professor, Zachary Feinstein predicts financial ruin for the Star Wars Galaxy after the Battle of Endor.
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The price tag in the quadrillions you gave for the Death Stars are ridiculous. The Star Wars galaxy has thousands of inhabited planets, technology far beyond our own, and plenty of asteroids to mine, so prices will be different. In real life Space Shuttle launches cost millions. In Star Wars Luke said they could "almost buy their own ship" for 10, 000 credits.

For the sake of argument lets look at some numbers from Wookieepedia. It prices both Death Stars at 1 Trillion credits each, and the planet Coruscant has a population of about 1 Trillion. So if everyone on one planet donated 2 credits, both stations would be paid off.


Issue here is before ep 4 the empire was allready having economic issues jobs were scarce and the storm trooper core was one the few things recruiting


With an entire galaxys worth of resources and the proven intent to destroy your homeworld if you have a problem with them, I don't think the empire would even blink at the loss of 2 death stars. Galaxies are a big place there, buddy.


Omg this is nerdy, but very cool! Much respect.


How about the cost of a loss of a Starkiller Base?


North Korea has around 57 military members per 1000 citizens, so 5.7% of the population actively serving. Eritrea goes in with 4.5%. How do you think does the Empire compare?


Pero hay que contar también que había mucha mano esclava en toda la época de los tiempos oscuros.


Ha he looks like Buster from Arrested Development but with glasses


This is an interesting idea, but you need to do a little more research. I'm sure that based on the assumptions you made, everything you did is correct. However, almost everything I read was based off faulty ideas or incorrect numbers. Basing a Death Star's cost off of what it costs the US to build an aircraft carrier is ludicrous. One is built by a dictatorship that uses slave labor and controls at least the majority of a galaxy of over 100 quadrillion beings, the other is a laughably inefficient capitalist system full of pork barrel spending with no oversight. Also, I'm not sure how you arrived at the cost difference between the two Death Stars. The second one is only 33% bigger, yet you say it's going to cost 266% more? Even assuming all the manufacturing bases used to make the first Death Star were destroyed and had to be rebuilt, there's no way those numbers add up.

I'd be very interested in seeing this gone over with accurate numbers and models, but since it seems to just be a fun way to attract attention, I doubt we'll see that.


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i loss all my investment when dead star is destroyed by the rebel scum! luckly, i diversied my investment in secret second dead star(its bigger too), this time ill make profit! LoL
