NO WAY !!! Lottery Secret Tips !!! How To Win On Scratch Off Tickets EveryTime In 2024

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NO WAY !!! Lottery Secret Tips !!! How To Win On Scratch Off Tickets EveryTime
In this video I show how to use my winning strategy to win at Lottery scratch offs, In this video I scratch $50 worth of lotto, tune in to see how it turns out, I do not recommend buying lotto for anything other than entertainment!!!

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The fact that nobody talks about the book whispers of manifestation on borlest speaks volumes about how people are stuck in a trance


My uncle spent thousands of dollars on scratch tickets over 30 years, and finally won $500, 000 off a $20 ticket in Lewiston, Maine about 8-10 years ago. He netted $370, 000 after taxes.


Keep on scratching! My wife bought 40 dollars in 5 dollar tickets and won nothing. She was a little distraught. When I returned home she mentioned this and I drove back to town and bought 50 dollars of the same game tickets. When I got home and she began scratching them, out of the 10 tickets she got a 500 dollar winner and a 10 dollar winner. She wasn't distraught any longer. 😁 (90 dollars turned a 420 dollar profit and with the 90 recouped. This only happens rarely, VERY rarely!)...


Investment in stocks is a great way to invest your money. The team is constantly checking the market for changes and make sure that you are always informed about the best time to invest. As a result, I have made more money than ever before, and I don't have to manage my portfolio on my own! Invest in stocks, it's worth it!


The best way to double ur money is to fold it in half and put it back in ur wallet!! Lol


My biggest scratch off win was $1, 000.00 Illinois lottery. I went to a grocery store and bought a random ticket and won. Two weeks ago I won $150.00.


Location is the key to finding jackpots. Just do the research in your state. There are hundreds, if not thousands of locations where a jackpot can be located. You can count on one hand if a location has had more than one jackpot in the history of the games. It's all about the distribution of the amout of tickets. They may not know where it's going, but they know it's going. The main factors that are against you winning is location, and distribution. Most lotteries have websites that track the majority of tickets that are sold, & claimed. Use this to your advantage. I've seen games still being sold, but all the jackpots were claimed.


Best way i know to increase your chances of winning are playing the odds that are listed on the back of the tickets. If the odds are are 1 in 4 then buy 4, or even 5 tickets of the same lottery ticket and by all means one of them should be a winner. Doesn't always work but more often it does


My dad always said, every ticket you don t buy is money won in your pocket!


I win by keeping my money in my pocket.


For new people watching don't be afraid to pick tickets off the ground or on a shelf in a grocery store. I have found plenty of winning tickets with a good amount of money on them. Happy new years and good luck


The 2nd ticket from "Big Cash riches" you scratched was a winner. One of the winning numbers was a 6, if you look at the first number on the last row you have a 6. Proving your white line theory works.


Your "white line" theory is a bust. I kept waiting for your secret tips for winning but the only decent tip you gave us was "if you don't have a lot of money don't go buying lottery tickets".


Been playing for years and believe it or not hit big twice , 75k and 100k. Both times I had purchased two 3$ tickets. In my experience the white line thing is a myth. However it seems I hit more often than not either towards the front or end of the rolls. I try to avoid the middle of the rolls and buy tickets with either low or high numbers.


You do know you NEVER have to scratch these tickets, right? You purchase the ticket and walk to the machine to see if the card is a winning card.


I work with someone who hit the $1million jackpot.


*The only way to win on scratch off tickets is having someone else buying them for you*


My experience is that the more expensive Lottery tickets are the ones that pay out


Dude u won on the 2nd $5 ticket. It had a 6 at the top and one below!!!


So I've been watching a few other different people with the scratch-off ticket videos and I'm pretty into him because it kind of fixes my problem I had with buying and spending too much money on lottery tickets so I watch these videos to get a little fix and it kind of calms me down and makes me not want to buy tickets I get to watch other people waste money or in some cases very little win some good money but then I see them right back on buying more tickets that are not winners and using all that winning money that they won, so then it turns out in the long run that unless you hit really really big you're never going to be on top and that's like 1% of the people who play who hit really big and play moderately you know we call them the lucky people but so happy to watch the video get my fix so I don't have to spend my money thank you for the video
