FFXIV Endwalker: Level 90 Paladin Guide Opener, Rotation, Stat Priority & Playstyle etc [Outdated]

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Final Fantasy XIV Endwalker Paladin Guide, includes Opener, rotation, stat priority, gearing and playstyle.
0:00 Intro
1:14 Offensive Skills
3:40 Defensive Skills
5:44 Utility Skills
12:09 Opener & Rotation Breakdown
15:04 Dungeon Examples & Important Advice
17:37 Stats Priority & Gearing
18:55 Outro & Closing Thoughts
Welcome to the 2nd entry of my "how to" series, in this series we will be covering EVERY single job Final Fantasy 14 has to offer and I will be personally challenging myself to learn all the jobs to the highest level and provide guides for you guys during my journey. So join me on my journey and together we shall learn them all to the highest level!
The video may not be as short as my previous guides but I can assure you I nail most if not every point I could think of when playing a PLD, I've mained the tank role for 8+ years since the start of ARR and have had plenty of tanking experience so I really wanted to make sure this was RIGHT. If you have any feedback or need any help with these guides then please do leave them in the comments below and I would be happy to reply.
A lot of this is my own research but I couldn't of done it without the help of the resources provided in the Balance discord, so props to the brains over there.
Extra ways to support my channel below!
#ffxiv #endwalker #guide
0:00 Intro
1:14 Offensive Skills
3:40 Defensive Skills
5:44 Utility Skills
12:09 Opener & Rotation Breakdown
15:04 Dungeon Examples & Important Advice
17:37 Stats Priority & Gearing
18:55 Outro & Closing Thoughts
Welcome to the 2nd entry of my "how to" series, in this series we will be covering EVERY single job Final Fantasy 14 has to offer and I will be personally challenging myself to learn all the jobs to the highest level and provide guides for you guys during my journey. So join me on my journey and together we shall learn them all to the highest level!
The video may not be as short as my previous guides but I can assure you I nail most if not every point I could think of when playing a PLD, I've mained the tank role for 8+ years since the start of ARR and have had plenty of tanking experience so I really wanted to make sure this was RIGHT. If you have any feedback or need any help with these guides then please do leave them in the comments below and I would be happy to reply.
A lot of this is my own research but I couldn't of done it without the help of the resources provided in the Balance discord, so props to the brains over there.
Extra ways to support my channel below!
#ffxiv #endwalker #guide