Latin Chant to Our Lady of Mount Carmel: FLOS CARMELI

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During our last musical mission in Spain, we had the grace to give a concert and record this video in the Basilica of the Tomb of St. Teresa of Avila, in Alba de Tormes. The sequence "Flos Carmeli" could be considered the most representative chant of the Carmelite Order, attributed to its Prior General Saint Simon Stock (13th century). To this day, Carmelites throughout the world sing with filial piety this hymn to Our Lady of Mount Carmel, whose feast is celebrated on July 16.
With this video, we would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to St. Teresa for accompanying us in such a tangible way during our two missions in Spain, and to send a special greeting to the entire Carmelite Order.
If you would like to support our mission, you can donate here:
With this video, we would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to St. Teresa for accompanying us in such a tangible way during our two missions in Spain, and to send a special greeting to the entire Carmelite Order.
If you would like to support our mission, you can donate here:
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