I know this video is bad but at least I learned a lesson. Now I will never ever make videos like this. NoahzArkadeYT
I know this video is bad but at least I learned a lesson. Now I will never ever make videos like this.
He is the creator of brian Edit1: i have to edit the comment cuz i said brain 😂😂 marcleecrisehparojado
He is the creator of brian Edit1: i have to edit the comment cuz i said brain 😂😂
Everyone talking bout the vid Me like:DOWN DOWN DOWN DOWN DOWN DOWN Itzmeflo
Everyone talking bout the vid Me like:DOWN DOWN DOWN DOWN DOWN DOWN
For people who dont know its the same guy he just made a new channel named brian😎 Chikiphosh
For people who dont know its the same guy he just made a new channel named brian😎
Even tho brian is dead his army will still grow NOISEwoag
Even tho brian is dead his army will still grow
It’s a tie because they are the same person Thegoatateverything
It’s a tie because they are the same person
Brian was never deleted he is still here alrxandrasalas
Brian was never deleted he is still here
Same people, he tried getting Brian to 100k subs in a few weeks guest
Same people, he tried getting Brian to 100k subs in a few weeks