46. Implement CRUD operations for Posts with ngrx entity adapter methods in Angular Ngrx Application

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Hi Friends
In this video we will see how to implement the crud operations for posts data using ngrx entity adapter methods in the Angular ngrx application.

The code is deployed in my Github account.

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#Angular #ngrx #leelawebdev
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Hello sir, Thanks for this great explaination, this video made it easy for me to understand @ngrx/entity,
Sir, I have seen a syntax like this while calling setAll, can u plz explain

on(PostsActions.postLoaded, (state: PostState, { posts }: { posts: Array<Post> }) => ({
...postsAdapter.setAll(posts, state)

can u plz explain this specially (spread operator use here)

...postsAdapter.setAll(posts, state)
