Warframe - War (Stalker Sword)

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Dropped by the stalker and requiring the broken war AND 5 extract this is one hard to drop and expencive weapon to get your hands on.
It is worth it being the most powerfull melee weapon in the game and with the stalker now also dropping the broken war so you dont have to sacrafice yours from the quest OR even do the second dream quest to get it, this is a dam good heavy melee.
With its biggest downside being its attack speed is SOOO slow!
It is worth it being the most powerfull melee weapon in the game and with the stalker now also dropping the broken war so you dont have to sacrafice yours from the quest OR even do the second dream quest to get it, this is a dam good heavy melee.
With its biggest downside being its attack speed is SOOO slow!
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