How a villain is born ❌ How a villain is made ✅ Reality is hard 😢❤ shardulsingh
How a villain is born ❌ How a villain is made ✅ Reality is hard 😢❤
Villains are the good ones they are the actual hero a hero is the villain deep inside. Tinaslayqueen
Villains are the good ones they are the actual hero a hero is the villain deep inside.
Just remember that villains are good people who always get hurt.... Neyriofgacha
Just remember that villains are good people who always get hurt....
yeah... (I also watched all ur shorts😁) lafemmeaxidnt
yeah... (I also watched all ur shorts😁)
Villain away have a past that isn't forgotten 😔😢 AylinLopez-vx
Villain away have a past that isn't forgotten 😔😢
Villains always have a sad childhood or backstory Yuxinchen
Villains always have a sad childhood or backstory
I tried to remake this on my channel and mine went terribly. Your is so much better (I gave credits) SLLY
I tried to remake this on my channel and mine went terribly. Your is so much better (I gave credits)