too young to love, but too old to cry.

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too young to love, but too old to cry. // playlist // dark ambient mix // ambient music

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0:00 my head is empty, .diedlonely - i was only temporary (Slowed + Reverb)

my head is empty


1:42 øneheart - voices

6:38 tilekid - you not the same

8:47 øneheart - apathy

11:13 my head is empty - life, on hold

All copyrights belong to their rightful owners, if you are the copyright owner and the song or songs infringes you, please contact us, the track will be removed.



Thank you :)

#ambientmusic #snowfall #darkambient #sleepmusic #darkambientmusic
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I love you when you're sad
I love you when you're angry
I love you when you're happy
I love you when you're hungry
I love you when you're sleeping
I love you when you're eating
I love your eyes
I love your smile
I love your body
I love your hands
I love your teeth
I love you when you're sitting
I love you when you're standing
I love you when you're breathing
I love you when you're staring
I love you when you cry
I love you when you laugh
I love you the way you smell
I love you the way you look
I love you the way you ride a bike
I love you the way you run
I love the way you walk
I love the way you talk
I love the way you sniff the flowers
I love the way you look
I love you when you're drawing
I love you when you do your homework
I love you when we play games
I love you when you type
I love you when you talk
I love the way you sleep
I love you up and down
I love you right and left
I love you like this
I love when you cuddle
I love when yours sick
I love you when you're enjoying something
I love you for some reason?
No wonder why
I love your laughter
I love your hair
I love your style
I love your look
I love your house
I love your religion
I love when you're hanging out
I love you when you're jumping on puddles
I love when you look at the rain
I love you when you look at the clouds
I love you when you look at paper
I love you when you're on a plane
I love you in your pajamas
I love you when you hate me
I live you when you ignore me
I love you when you block me
I live you when you make mistakes
I love the language you speak
I love your skin colour
I love when you're guilty
I love you when you're sorry
I love everything about you
I love the big things
I love the little things
I know I'm just a stranger typing this out but
I LOVE YOU!!! ♡♡♡


It's just a poem from me :
" I'm so happy that I even cried, But I'm so sad that even I faked a smile " .


Don’t give up. You know that car you wanted? You’ll have it if you don’t give up. You know that huge house you wanted? You can buy that house, but you can’t give up. You know that family you wanted? That happy family that would be proud of their mom and their dad? You can be part of that family. Just don’t give up. You are okay, smile, and remember that you have the privilege to wake up every single day. I Love you.


"life is like a thin layer of very strong glass, it can fall, someone can push it, but it will rise, with its cracks, until it breaks"


Better to hide your pain cry silent tears and fake a smile than to feel like youre burdening others..


Thank u for always putting together these videos. I know they aren’t your audios, but it is very appreciated that you put all these together


Last words I said to her " Listen you deserved to be loved " ❤


I'm gonna be honest here. There was this boy, he was younger than me. I commented on a YouTube video, and that is where he replied to me for comfort. After a few months of talking to him and helping him, and tells me that he was scared. He said that he was scared because he fell in love with someone, and he hadn't felt it before. At the time, he didn't know it was love, he just told me that he liked her in a way that you wouldn't like a crush. Like he felt bound to her. I gave him advice before he stopped me and said, "Leah, please. I know I'm young, and you're older, and I don't expect you to accept me. I love you. I know it's a strong word, but it's strong like my feelings. Just.. Please. Let me down slowly." He was 15 and I was 18. I thought of him as a brother, my little brother. I still remember the pure heartbreak and loss of hope on his face and it tore me apart. That is what it's like for the "I love you." and "I'm too old for you." thing. I still talk to him, and he's the sweetest thing. He has feelings still, but I am gentle with them. But.. I think I should let him go, for his own good, so he can get over me.


Brothers n sisters lets understand one thing we dont want to kos we want to unexist both are very diffrint, but we can't. Why? Because we were born for a reason and that reason is always infront of us but we keep ignoring it and we keep our eyes closed and we always delay this goal until its never achieved nothing shall stop us from achieving it no matter what it is don't let anything pull you back from YOUR goals the YOU that YOUR family wants to see the YOU that is successful YOU are here to achieve one goal just open your eyes and follow that goal but first find the route its always steps that elvate us not jumps because you might fall when jumping but when u take steps you are thinking about everystep and aknowledge what success you are heading to and thats what keeps you going. Thank YOU for existing just never forget that god is always there for you.

Allah is always there for you


Born too early to explore space. Born too late to buy a house. Born just in time to get drafted to ww3
What a world we live in. Hopefully things get better.


If I walk towards the sea and I will never come back. Does she miss me? Will she think about me because I'm dead? She doesn't think about me when I'm alive, at least she should think about me when I die..


The question remains: Do we feel affected by calm music and remember everything that hurts us and make us sad because of it?


We are meant to feel this way… to endure it and learn from it. Don’t give up because it’s hard or because you are lost, bear the storm and embrace the changes that come with it.


from the past we must learn
the future we must comprehend
i want you to understand
we only live the gift called present


Ich vermisse meine Hunde und die Zeit wo die Familie noch aktiv am Leben teilnahm.


I'm sad. I wish i could stop drinking and instead do what i know is "right"... ugh. Life, ya know


Why is it that i stay up late waiting for your response though i know i am only temporary, i wake up early just so i can change the way you view me, because all i ever wanted was for you to view me as more than your boyfriend but as your lover, and still i love you more and more the further you hurt me 🫤


if I jump....does that mean my family will stop suffering?😅


young Jesus loves you accept Jesus stay away from sin because sin is death Jesus loves you Jesus gives you eternal life


you gotta start posting more, i can fall asleep with this so easily and relaxing, i can actually feel the mood and think about my life with this on, this really means a lot to me, and i've been subbed ever since i've found you, keep it up bro. 🤍
