Moving Beyond Mobile Payments To Customer Loyalty Programs

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While mobile payments are beginning to gain mainstream traction, why is it that companies are not doing more with mobile loyalty and incentive programs? Mobile is great because why would you want to carry a fat wallet when everything you need could be on your slim phone? Let’s assume your phone knows you—and offers you something once you walk into that store. For example in real life I am expecting a baby in August and perhaps a store like Target was so good it knew I was expecting and sent me a message as I walked into the store, “Hello Blake, welcome to Target. We have a sale on car seats for infants.” Now this message is something that is timely and would absolutely capture my attention. There’s a way to do this where the customer doesn’t feel like the company knows too much about their where-abouts and preferences. Customer intimacy is a fine line but an important one not to cross. Another example is a coffee shop. The customer buys ten coffees and the phone sends a message alerting the customer that the eleventh coffee is given to the customer for free. While variations of this exist today, most companies aren’t doing this type of customer engagement. There are tons of opportunities to do innovative engagement programs through the phone. Mobile pay is a big opportunity to know the consumer, engage with the consumer and win them over through intimate and real-time offerings.

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Blake Morgan is a customer experience adviser that has worked with Intel, Verizon Wireless, Verizon, Newmark Knight Frank Retail, One Medical, Misfit Wearables (Shine), Pega Systems, Clarabridge, Zendesk, Sparkcentral, Sukhis Indian Food, Curry Up Now and more. She was recognized by ICMI as a top 50 thought leader for 2015.




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