Testing LCD5 meter BMSBattery -- OpenSource firmware EBike BMSBattery S06S / Kunteng

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Today I implemented the basic communication from the S06S motor controller to the LCD5 meter.

- motor: BMSBattery Q85/Cute 85
- motor controller firmware: our OpenSource firmware
- motor controller: BMSBattery S06S / Kunteng
- display: BMSBattery/ Kunteng LCD5 meter

Project page - OpenSource firmware for EBike Kunteng / BMSBattery S motor controllers:
Рекомендации по теме

¿Tiene un vídeo de cada parámetro del display KT LCD5?


This is an interesting setup. I am curious...
- How did you manage to fit a Disc Rotor to the Q85? (The standard hub seems to not have 6 holdes for mounting)
- How did you manage to fit the hub in a 100mm fork? (The standard hub seems to have a width of only 83mm)
