Building event-driven, reactive applications with Temporal: Workflows vs Sagas

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Dominik Tornow, Temporal Technologies
Many modern applications are implemented as event-driven, reactive applications. In this session we will compare choreography and sagas to orchestration and Temporal workflows when implementing event-driven applications. We will explore which approach provides the best reliability, the best scalability, lowest coupling of components, and a stellar developer experience.
Presented at Replay 2022
Temporal is the simple, scalable, open source way to write and run reliable cloud applications.
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Developer resources
Many modern applications are implemented as event-driven, reactive applications. In this session we will compare choreography and sagas to orchestration and Temporal workflows when implementing event-driven applications. We will explore which approach provides the best reliability, the best scalability, lowest coupling of components, and a stellar developer experience.
Presented at Replay 2022
Temporal is the simple, scalable, open source way to write and run reliable cloud applications.
Learn more
Developer resources
Building event-driven, reactive applications with Temporal: Workflows vs Sagas
Building Reactive Applications Using Event-driven Architecture, WSO2Con Asia 2018
Why you should consider moving to event-driven programming with Reactive
Event-driven reactive programming in Java
Creating event-driven microservices: the why, how and what by Andrew Schofield
Getting Started with Event-Driven Reactive Systems
Building Reactive Applications Using APIs, Events and Streams, WSO2Con EU 2018
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