A Guide to Teeworlds: Teeworlds in All of its Difficultees (copyright free)

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However in this one all copyright-claim inducing music has been replaced.
I do need to add that this will heavily influence the viewing experience for the worse.
The music had been chosen deliberately as they (in my editor's opinion) capture the feelings of the lessons in the way I wanted to.
The clips were edited accordingly and thus viewing this will not quite catch the viewing experience I wanted you to have.
So ask you to view the original video above if you are able to.

Thanks for watching, feel free to love, hate and critizise.
Critism of ANY SORTS is welcome.

Best regards, ResamVi


Game: Teeworlds - Copyright (C) Magnus Auvinen


SONGS (in order)

Wun Two - Again

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Courtroom Lobby

The Sims Soundtrack - Neighborhood 2

Blue Wednesday - Step By Step

Bomberman Hero - Redial

Eminem - The Real Slim Shady (Instrumental Remake)

Super Smash Bros. Brawl - Hidden Mountain & Forest

Blue Wednesday - Sweet Berry Wine (sped-up)

Busdriver - Imaginary Places (Instrumental Cover)

shizofred - crazy thangs
(German website, requires registration and TURNED OFF ADBLOCK)

ProleteR - April Showers


Links to the shown Modifications:

- Sushi Pack

- Gamer Client


Full list of Modifications


SOFTWARE USED: Sony Vegas 9 & Photoshop CS6
Editing Time: ~100 Hours
Render Time: ~ 4 hours


Facts for your ad hominem

Current Name: Armadillo
Former Names: nameless tee, Robert, Connection Lost

Former Clans: TEG, Dragonfight
currently clanless

Played since: 0.5.2

Do you want to 1v1 me: No.


Teeworlds is a free online multiplayer game, available for all major operating systems. Originally written by Magnus Auvinen.
Рекомендации по теме

I think it's the best tutorial of anything i saw in my live.


I swear Teeworlds has the high probability of being an eSport, it just needs:

*E X P O S U R E*


came for knowledge but stayed for the music, nice editing


It sucks that not many people watched this, and by "not many" I mean like the nice 400 you got, but I would be happy to see you in the 100, 000s just because this was really well done for a really good game. A lot of things I didn't know on here and will help me when I play it, such as the Dynamic camera and such. I really wish you got more credit where it is due.


Nice video armadillo! it deserves a lot more views. I've been into teeworlds(ddrace mostly) for 10+ years and this was still helpful to me. I tend to play more by feeling and usually know if someone will die in another hit or when weapons will spawn but it's nice to see it all in numbers. Picking stuff up just to deny your enemies of it is something I don't do enough too.


Such a dedication and it barely scrapes together as many views as litteral DDnet shitposts (Protip: fully watch this video)


Such an in-depth guide. Thanks for being the top reason of me being good.



Nice! Ty for the Copyright free reupload. Apreciate it alot!


Cellegen | PcP: wow nice tutorial and for begginers in Teeworlds this was really helpful :) i wanna see more :D


Jericho is best. Thanks for teaching! Now I can speed up as the Flash!


What the fuck. It took me like 10 mins to recognize that Bomberman 64 Music.
Btw. great Video. Tut amount information is pretty insane. I learned 99% of the stuff without actually thinking about it. Just simple trial and error. I never calculated how many shots i could take but still allways Look Out to have at least 3 Armor. In my opinion you are a genius. It would take me several hours just to express all the random stuff and information i know about this Game in words. Especially cuz you don't think about the absolute basics while playing. You Just do it and it feels right.


Nice tutorial! In regards to the server list, sorting by number of players is good, but there's another good sort: sort by ping (ascending). While this might put a bunch of empty servers at the top, sorting by players has the potential to leave you hunting for servers that have a comfortable level of latency. (higher ping will feel laggier).


at the description he said "do you want to 1v1 me?:no" i say if u see armadillo in a deathmatch run as far away as u can he is jesus :D <3


Wow I am already rly good in teeworlds but that tutorial is awesome. Keep going! Sadly teeworlds ist not a famous game with many players. Fk fortnite and the other games. Teeworlds is the real shit


for the most part a well done tutorial. But i disagree with some things you said. You said hammer and gun are worse than the other weapons.

Many high level ctf attackers excel at hammer usage. They used the Hammer to push people out of their runway or to confuse the defenders by using the hammers at weird moments to disrupt their movement. In fact some attackers i know prefer hammer as a weapon, when they go to snitch the flag. For the defender hammer is most of the time a secondary choice to shotgun, yes. Another fun thing to do with the hammer is to give own teammates a speed boost, but doing this be carefull not to confuse them or catch them off guard.

As for the gun: A good use of the gun can improve your gameplay a lot. The reload time is so short (0.125 seconds i believe), so you can dish out similar amounts of dmg like big weapons. It also reloads by itself. Using gun for long range targets is great. You did capture that it is a great spamming tool in small pathways and a tool for a defender to know someone is coming.

Another pretty important thing that i feel you missed out on is how to use the hook on other tees offensively and defensively (support hooks, feint hooking).

All in all good tutorial for beginners/intermediates that doesnt go into too much detail for high lvl vanilla though. I really liked your music choice and edits. Keep it up, TW needs more youtubers :) Cheers!


Make a complete ddrace tutorial so there are no stupid noobs anymore


enemies with lasers dont need to get closer because the laser bounces


Remember me its me URMOM asking about the guide!


you remind me of a french guy called LeDawg on youtube


Wait.. I have continuous spinning with almost hitting every shot and I am not botting... Well I'm non stop accused of botting but I aint...
