A Bizarre Fat Airplane that Changed Military Aviation Forever

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The early 1930s saw the most extravagant aircraft with unique shapes and sizes as part of a widely experimental phase in the aviation industry. And still, the Stipa-Caproni stood apart.

The inventive airframe designed by Italian aeronautical engineer Luigi Stipa and manufactured by the Caproni Company was in many ways like a cartoon aircraft. But it was functional!

The so-called flying barrel consisted of a mere tube for a fuselage and an engine and propeller that washed the airflow through the cylinder’s length, creating thrust.

Some experts consider the Stipa-Caproni the ugliest aircraft ever built, while others still call it an aerodynamic aberration. Still, there is reason to suggest that the bizarre concoction was the direct predecessor of the modern turbofan engine…


Join Dark Skies as we explore the world of aviation with cinematic short documentaries featuring the biggest and fastest airplanes ever built, top-secret military projects, and classified missions with hidden untold true stories. Including US, German, and Soviet warplanes, along with aircraft developments that took place during World War I, World War 2, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, the Cold War, the Gulf War, and special operations mission in between.

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Yea, I have a degree in aeronautical engineering and remember studying this. I remember my instructor saying "...now if Stipa had put 4 of these beasties under wing of a larger aircraft, he'd have had something...."


I like how it’s essentially a big ducted fan with wings, stabilizers, and a cockpit attached to it…


You gotta admire how people back then had to actually put their designs to the test and often risk their lives in the process just to see if something worked.


Stupa seemed to have a great idea he couldn't expand on...not a turbofan, but a shrouded prop with a venturi behind, he was so close.
Him suing for copyright infringement makes me think he had some hurt feelings when someone was able to take in that step further.


This is ducted fan tech. I’ve flown RC aircraft off and on for decades and many of the “jet” engine RC aircraft are actually ducted fan powered with an internal combustion piston engine providing power for thrust.


Feels like they accidentally made the first thrust vectoring aircraft by putting those tail controls right after the “nozzle”


Designer: Do you want me to start with the engine or create the airframe’s fuselage?

Government: Yes.


Imagine walking down the street, and you hear some buzzing in the air behind you, and you look up and one of those is bearing down on you...


Italians: are known for their love to beauty and sport shapes
Also Italians:


I have been an aircraft enthusiast since childhood, but I have never seen that Fat Airplane. Thanks Dark Skies for another great documentary video.


Fabulous! If this had been in Studio Ghibli's The Wind Rises with other Caproni creations, most would have assumed the animators made it up for comedic effect, but it was real. It does look comical, but given the period, it has to be seen as early days, aviation developing by trying radical new ideas. Many would not work out, but some did...


Actually, this Italian effort is recognized and credited as a foundation in jet design, even if the patent is not.


Don't you dare body shame that plane by calling it fat! It's full figured and should be proud. 😆


It looks right. Something about it, it just gives you that feeling.


When you think about it, Stupa invented the ducted fan, and that is the future of, well, everything flying. The high bypass turbine powering the world is just a further step from this incredible aircraft.


Thanks for the history lesson. As a history buff I'm always interested in untainted and straight up history without a bunch of embellishments of others! 💯👍


This is a great episode! I'm an aerospace engineer, but never learned about this aircraft until now! Thanks for presenting it!


The Dark Skies narrator constantly speaks with the tone of voice as though everything is a secret conspiracy. Hard to take seriously.


I love it. It's brilliant. Certainly not a perfectly designed aircraft, but a well executed concept.


I think the biggest problem is that the engines and materials of the time weren't advanced enough to provide the justification for the aircraft. It would be interesting to see this prototype built with a modern engine and construction techniques.
