CMC II: Challenges of Modern Cosmology Discussion, Oct 17-18, 2024

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✍️ About:
The conference will feature three sessions:
Session I: Observational Tensions in Astrophysics and Cosmology
Session II: Local and Small-to-Medium Scales in Astrophysics
On October 18th, the panel will continue with:
Session III: Cosmology and Large-Scale Astrophysics
🗣️ List of speakers and title of their talk:
Session I: Observational Tensions in Astrophysics and Cosmology
1. Invited Talk: "A Selection of Observations in Conflict with ΛCDM"
Speaker: Dr. Sebastian Von Hausegger (University of Oxford)
2. "Is the CMB a Relevant Initial Condition for Structure Formation in Alternative Cosmological Models?"
Speaker: Pavel Kroupa (University of Bonn)
3. "Empirical Evidence of Consistent Redshift Bias at Cosmological Scales"
Speaker: Lior Shamir (Kansas State University)
4. "Galaxies Older than the ΛCDM Universe at z=8"
Speaker: Martín López-Corredoira (Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias)
5. "Evolution of the Hubble Parameter from Pantheon Plus Data and Comparison with Cosmic Chronometers"
Speaker: E. S. Ardra (Mahatma Gandhi University)
Session II: Local and Small-to-Medium Scales in Astrophysics
6. Invited Talk: "The Observed Local Supervoid Could Solve the Hubble and Bulk Flow Tensions"
Speaker: Dr. Indranil Banik (Institute of Cosmology and Gravitation, University of Portsmouth)
7. "Abell 3827 and Its Constraints on Dark Matter and MOND"
Speaker: Jenny Wagner (Helsinki Institute of Physics, University of Helsinki)
8. "Hyperconical Modified Gravity: From Large to Small Scales"
Speaker: Robert Monjo (Saint Louis University)
9. "Effective G in the Modification of Newtonian Gravity"
Speaker: Shiva Dwivedi (Christ University)
Session III: Cosmology and Large-Scale Astrophysics
10. Invited Talk: "Correlated Galaxy Formation at the Scale of the Sound Horizon: What Can Proto-Superclusters Tell Us About the Distant Cosmic Web?"
Speaker: Nikolaus Sulzenauer (Max-Planck-Institut für Radioastronomie)
11. "Are Dark Matter and Dark Energy Manifestations of Covarying Coupling Constants?"
Speaker: Rajendra Gupta (University of Ottawa)
12. "On the Initial Conditions of the νHDM Model"
Speaker: Nikolaos Samaras (Astronomical Institute of Charles University)
13. "An Effective Hubble Constant in f(R) Modified Gravity in the Jordan Frame"
Speaker: Tiziano Schiavone (Galileo Galilei Institute for Theoretical Physics)
🏷️ Tags:
#cmc2024 #cosmos24 #cosmic_void #Hubble_tension #Problem_in_standard_cosmology #dark_energy #dark_matter #nonminimal_coupling #gravitationalwaves #modifed_gravity #observational_test_of_modifed_gravity #inflationarycosmology #scalar_field_theory #Problems_of_ΛCDM #LambdaCDM_problem #cosmic_small_scale_problem #cosmic_large_scale_problem #CMB_cosmic_microwave_background #physics_of_cmb #galaxy_clusters #observational_cosmology
The conference will feature three sessions:
Session I: Observational Tensions in Astrophysics and Cosmology
Session II: Local and Small-to-Medium Scales in Astrophysics
On October 18th, the panel will continue with:
Session III: Cosmology and Large-Scale Astrophysics
🗣️ List of speakers and title of their talk:
Session I: Observational Tensions in Astrophysics and Cosmology
1. Invited Talk: "A Selection of Observations in Conflict with ΛCDM"
Speaker: Dr. Sebastian Von Hausegger (University of Oxford)
2. "Is the CMB a Relevant Initial Condition for Structure Formation in Alternative Cosmological Models?"
Speaker: Pavel Kroupa (University of Bonn)
3. "Empirical Evidence of Consistent Redshift Bias at Cosmological Scales"
Speaker: Lior Shamir (Kansas State University)
4. "Galaxies Older than the ΛCDM Universe at z=8"
Speaker: Martín López-Corredoira (Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias)
5. "Evolution of the Hubble Parameter from Pantheon Plus Data and Comparison with Cosmic Chronometers"
Speaker: E. S. Ardra (Mahatma Gandhi University)
Session II: Local and Small-to-Medium Scales in Astrophysics
6. Invited Talk: "The Observed Local Supervoid Could Solve the Hubble and Bulk Flow Tensions"
Speaker: Dr. Indranil Banik (Institute of Cosmology and Gravitation, University of Portsmouth)
7. "Abell 3827 and Its Constraints on Dark Matter and MOND"
Speaker: Jenny Wagner (Helsinki Institute of Physics, University of Helsinki)
8. "Hyperconical Modified Gravity: From Large to Small Scales"
Speaker: Robert Monjo (Saint Louis University)
9. "Effective G in the Modification of Newtonian Gravity"
Speaker: Shiva Dwivedi (Christ University)
Session III: Cosmology and Large-Scale Astrophysics
10. Invited Talk: "Correlated Galaxy Formation at the Scale of the Sound Horizon: What Can Proto-Superclusters Tell Us About the Distant Cosmic Web?"
Speaker: Nikolaus Sulzenauer (Max-Planck-Institut für Radioastronomie)
11. "Are Dark Matter and Dark Energy Manifestations of Covarying Coupling Constants?"
Speaker: Rajendra Gupta (University of Ottawa)
12. "On the Initial Conditions of the νHDM Model"
Speaker: Nikolaos Samaras (Astronomical Institute of Charles University)
13. "An Effective Hubble Constant in f(R) Modified Gravity in the Jordan Frame"
Speaker: Tiziano Schiavone (Galileo Galilei Institute for Theoretical Physics)
🏷️ Tags:
#cmc2024 #cosmos24 #cosmic_void #Hubble_tension #Problem_in_standard_cosmology #dark_energy #dark_matter #nonminimal_coupling #gravitationalwaves #modifed_gravity #observational_test_of_modifed_gravity #inflationarycosmology #scalar_field_theory #Problems_of_ΛCDM #LambdaCDM_problem #cosmic_small_scale_problem #cosmic_large_scale_problem #CMB_cosmic_microwave_background #physics_of_cmb #galaxy_clusters #observational_cosmology