GMG Reviews - Necromunda: Hive Secundus by Games Workshop

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It's into the UNDERHELLS. Loved Space Hulk? Love Aliens? Want to pit a suicide-squad of Gangers against an endless nightmare horde of aliens in the ruins of a Dead hive as they seek to confront and kill the monstrous Brood-Father lurking there? Let's dive into Hive Secundus, the one-off game mode expansion and two-player game box from the Boxed Game team at Games Workshop.

Thanks to GW for the copy of the Box to review.


Intro and Outro music used via Creative Commons "Benji" by Dyalla
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Ash was so disappointed with the quality of the cardboard box packaging he turned into the Red Hulk


This is probably the biggest hit in a while for me from GW. My buddy and I were sitting and discussing after we played at our weekly Alpha Strike book how we really wanted to play a tile based Necromunda game that worked with two players and only needed a single book to play, because the normal game suffers from immense rule bloat and we have a couple guys in our gaming group that are too competitive for Necromunda and probably would try to break it. He said he really wanted to play Genestealer Cult and I said I really wanted to play Van Saar. Two weeks later they announced this box, haha.

I don't think I had ever directly wishlisted a GW product, but man were me and my buddy excited. Love the Aliens theme this has going for it.


I freaked out while watching this because I saw the horizontal black line and thought my television was broken. But no, it's just Ash trolling us with the edge of his green screen.


I love that this story started as a White Dwarf mission for Space Crusade.
Now i want to run a linked campaign


One thing I did with the last Necromunda box's paper "board tiles" was grab an old game board from an unused board game for which my kids lost most of the cards/pieces, use a spray adhesive, and glue it down. It makes it foldable but also WAY more sturdy. Works a treat if you can find the right sized board!


Ash turning into Magnus half way through was very enjoyable. The cheap paper mat, not so much.


The final part of the Aranthian Succession Campaign had background stuff about the ash walls being breached and the new overlords (House Aranthus) not knowing what the alarms were for and just ignoring them. The malstrain are out of Secundus.


"We're proud to announce that over the year 2024, we've surpassed expectations in profits! Sadly, please expect a raise in prices across the board by 3-5% and sadly we have to cut back on manufacturing. So the nice cardboard boxes, will be a thing of the past." - GW CEO Kevin Rountree


My 2 cents regarding the box and "gameboard" decisions, coming from speculation due to incomplete data:

IF, if the prior Forge World boxes were made of a heavier material like that of the tiles that came with the Escher/Goliath box (and also the Palanite/Corpsegrinder box??), then that material is probably "Binders' Board" - it is wood pulp and recycled paper waste at the final non-recyclable state of its existence, the next step is into the garbage for disposal. It is definitely this Binders' Board that is used for the Necromunda counters. [It is called Binders' Board because Book Binders use it to create hardcover books, or book sleeves, or clamshell boxes, etc.]

The box containing Secundus, and the game-surfaces/"boards" are extremely thin cardstock or laminated paper and therefor recyclable.
[I still have my original Space Hulk, Deathwing Space Hulk Expansion, and Battlefleet Gothic boxes - they are thin cardstock, but perhaps heavier than the stock used for Secundus, so they are recyclable.[

The box and "board" components also weigh less, which probably translates into fuel savings or reduced freight costs.

So recyclability versus garbage, and less weight for increased fuel/transport savings.


Secundus really looks like it could be the 40k Mordheim, with the Radiated Genestealers as the Skaven (sort of). I hope they expand this line.


Thanks for all the information. I can’t wait to see the Let’s Play


The book situation at this point feels like it be cheaper to buy a junk tablet and collect the digital versions.


Paper mats is just an insult at their price point. I still can't deal with the crap in the Ash Wastes box.


The last couple release cycles from GW left me kinda uninterested, but this one made me windmill slam the credit card down. I don't care for the paper mats, but I was gonna build them in 3d anyway and the brood scum are kinda meh, but that's what kitbashing is for. :D


This was obviously filmed after visiting the ash wastes.
Little disappointed with the game „board“ but im hyped for the game and already preordered.


Funny, I was about to point out that you got a nasty sunburn! ;) lol


I love the rules and the re-worked background for the Spyrer and all the malstrains. Not a fan of paper game mats


Rules for "Malstrain Corrupted Gangs" will come with the "Book of Desolation" book, but you can't run a Malstrain only gang. I'm hyped for that.


I wish this book would be sold separately -- or this campaign to be more precise


This review by Ash has made the 'buy/no buy' question easier to answer - definitely leaning towards picking it up for sure. Retail price in Canada looks around $195 (local game store applying discount) to $210 (actual GW store), so even just on the models it's a reasonable price.
