Why You NEED Boost Pedals

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Why boost? Do I even need a boost? Today we talk about a commonly misunderstood pedal, the boost and the history behind its invention.

Gear in this video:
1:12 JHS Prestige
4:16 Dallas Rangemaster Treble Booster
5:38 Maestro Echoplex
7:11 Electro-Harmonix LPB-2
8:23 Daredevil Silver Solo
8:51 Greer Moonshot
8:57 Keeley Java Boost
9:03 Pro-Analog Devices Power Driver V2
9:25 Vertex Boost
9:55 Way Huge Red Lama
10:07 EHX Hot Tubes
10:21 KOD Fet Pre-Amp
10:34 DOD 250
10:47 DOD Bi-Fet Preamp FX-10
11:21 Boss FA-1
11:36 Fulltone Fat Boost FB-2
11:37 Xotic EP Booster
11:55 ZVex SHO
12:13 Ibanez TS-9
12:22 Klon Centaur
13:07 Boss GE-7
13:52 Danelectro Fish and Chips
14:04 JHS Mr.Magic
14:13 JHS Prestige
14:45 JHS Mini Bomb Boost
15:02 JHS Banana Boost
15:21 JHS Haunting Mids
16:02 JHS Milkman
16:29 JHS AT+ V2
16:45 JHS Ruby Red
17:35 JHS Morning Glory

Josh's guitar is Bilt Relevator

Josh's amp is a Fender Bassman

Record Time:
The Barr Brothers - Sleeping Operator

Josh’s record player is by U-Turn Audio:

#jhs #thejhsshow #boostpedals
Рекомендации по теме

It’s really great that you recommend pedals other then yours!!! Respectful.


"Knowledge is good." Emil Faber.
"Loud is more good." Joshua Heath Scott.
Two of the most profound thinkers of our time!


Seriously, who thumbs down these videos? I’ve been playing guitar for 30 years and professionally for 20. I find these videos informative and entertaining.


This video taught me more about pedals in 20 minutes than I learned in 20 years of messing around. Really enjoying this VLOG series. Thank you!


Rory Gallagher always deserves at least a mention when discussing the Rangemaster - if it weren't for him we wouldn't have the amazing Queen that we were so lucky to have, for it was after seeing Rory play that Brian May asked him how he got his sound and he told him he was just playing a Dallas Rangemaster into a Vox AC30, and so May went out and got himself both of those things and thus another incredible guitar sound and band was born. That's not even to get into all the great music the incomparable Rory G made with that set up!


Hi, Josh. I joined Decca Records in London in 1967 at age 16. Being as how the John Mayall/Eric Clapton so-called "Beano" album (and their performances at the time) made me take up guitar seriously, one of the first things I did was ask Decca publicity Dept. if I could check through the photos taken at the Beano sessions. Guess what? No sign of any pedal! Yep that's not conclusive, right?
Within six months I had met and became friendly with Mike Vernon - who produced the Beano album (along with a lot British Blues Boom stuff to come). He told me that Eric never used a pedal, in fact he first came up with the phrase that has been heard many times since: "Eric just turned the Marshall up until it started sounding good!". Yes, well there's another thing he reminded me of when we were inside the actual studio - it had a beautiful sounding tube desk designed and built by Decca themselves - "Tone controls were tinkered with, ha!"
What reminds me most of the old Rangemaster Treble Booster is in fact old T-Rex stuff like "Telegram Sam" - Marc did use the

Back to Eric, he did use a pedal pre Disraeli Gears but usually only at radio studios when they did live sessions it was the engineers there (er, BBC) who did NOT like high volumes. The myth has turned that into the Decca engineers, not true. Mike later explained how to record large (at least 100 watts) Marshalls at full tilt in the studio - that is down to mic placement and another

Anyway I've been a subscriber of your channel for a few weeks and like it a lot. At 67 I still play guitar too loud but not as much as I use to. Best, Pete.


I watch lots of demo channels - Anderton's, That Pedal Show, etc. Those are good for hearing how the pedals sound. I like Josh's vids because they go beyond the sound to the "why".


Josh, I don't comment a lot if ever on videos but I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoy these vlogs. I like Andertons and That Pedal Show but I prefer your approach because you are speaking to me. Don't stop! Listen to Mystery Jets - Curve of The Earth.


EQ is the most underrated pedal. My super secret tone hack is to put it in the fx loop of a good tube amp.


As a beginner guitarist and new to pedals, I'm learning so much from your channels! Thank you!


I freakin love how he talks about all kinds of pedals and puts his stuff out there as another option. Makes me want to buy more JHS. Who doesn't own a Morning Glory? Get one.


Josh your videos are so accessible, and so well presented. You are an absolute gift to folks just getting to know pedals and trying to learn. The community needs more people like you 👍 I learn something new everytime. Thank you.


Great video. Right now I'm using the TC Spark Booster, its great tons of tonal options. Another pedal I like as a boost is the Pro Co Rat, more people should use this as a boost, the distortion goes virtually to clean so works great for various applications.


I've watched this video before, but as I am moving from overdrive pedals to boosting a cranked tube amp, I came back... And it all makes sense!
Loud is better!
I love this channel, among the best of music equipment ones.
Cheers from Athens, Greece!


I love the fact that you give a pretty objective overview of both the pedal's history and the various offerings on the market. You don't just push JHS pedals, which definitely raises your credibility. Keep it up!


I love how objective you are with pedals! Like a professor!! Thanks for being you. Please talk about pedal board patch boxs.


12:28 "it doesn't really matter: they all sound really similar." You just triggered so many people. haha


Tony Iommi a Laney Supergroup and his Range Master his a pretty legendary match too!


Just started watching your videos and not only are they informative, making a guy question everything he thought was correct about pedals. But also you don’t just plug your own product (which is amazing, I’ve used and personally own a ton of your gear). That speaks volumes to your character and your product. Great videos man, keep it up!


I played on a Sovtek tube head once. It sounded amazing. You dont need all those Sovtek heads. You should loan me one.
