Proof the quran copied from the Jewish Talmud | allah swears by created things!

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dialogue between muslim christian christians muslims khalid yasin islam qur'an quran mohammad muhammad bible jesus gospels allah false god koran filthy hadith lezing lectuur achmed deedat ahmed deedat islam fake prophet christ messiah God salvation sins sin resurrection crucifixion islamic false messenger new old testament dawah muslim man history spirituality son of god debate lecture message prophets prophecy moses religion mecca kaaba ka'aba pagan another british convert converted reverts to islam conversion bekering bekeerde moslim bijbel christendom Christianity tim conway saved Christ new old muslim Jesus Christ Christianity Bible Islam Qur'an Koran Quran Gospels New Old Testament Atonement Forgiveness Jehovah Messiah Allah Muhammad God Salvation Sins Sin Revelation Godhead Sonship Divinity Resurrection Crucifixion Paul Divine Conflict Debate Trinity Faith Science Muslim Prophet Man History Religion# and Christian Perception of Dr. David Bernard Jamal Badawi Shabir Ally Zakir Naik TheDeenShow dialogue between muslim christian christians muslims khalid yasin islam qur'an quran mohammad muhammad bible jesus gospels allah god koran hadith lezing lectuur achmed deedat ahmed deedat islam prophet muhammad allah christianity bible gospels jesus christ messiah God salvation sins sin resurrection crucifixion islamic quran qur'an koran messenger new old testament dawah muhaddithdotorg muslim christian man history spirituality son of god mohammed debate lecture message prophets prophecy moses religion khalid yasin mecca kaaba ka'aba pagan islam Muslims Jesus Christ Islam koran quran bible messiah son of god virgin trinity holy ghost prophet messenger hot topics prophecy gospel allah new style TheDeenshow peace love Dr Lawrence brown muslimbychoice
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i was born muslim, now a christian. i attended madressah as a child and i understand the frustrations muslim callers have because of the way they are taught from little chrildren. all questions they have, they prefer answers according to islamic idealogy similiar to jewish understanding of God. Jesus parables are hard for them to comprehend even corncerning Jesus denying divinity was explained by his disciples to the readers and John the baptist being the last and most superior prophet explained by Jesus himself that is why he is not an ordinary prophet he is the messiah gods representation. Jesus disciple said he being God though didn't accept the notion of it and humbled himself. God being born in human essence probably had some limitations therefore he denied this title, but then again Jesus did say he could command to start a war on earth because the rabbinacal jews want to crucify him which proves salvation through believing he died for our sins. it will be difficult for muslims to understand this salvation because of the ideaologies they grew up with because i was one of them.😔


Muslims do not eat Pork, the Bible prohibits eating pork:
"And the pig, though it has a divided hoof, does not chew the cud; it is unclean for you. 8 You must not eat their meat or touch their carcasses; they are unclean for you."
(Leviticus 11:7-8)

Muslims greet each other by saying Salamu Aleikum (Peace be upon you):
"...Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you!” (John 20:19, 21, 26; Luke 24:36)


The culmination of this mission by the Roman Catholics was the Council of Nicaea in 325 A.D. where only those books supporting the Roman Catholic religion were chosen to be included in the New Testament. Evidence of this event and of the merging of the old Pagan Religion of Rome is seen in the celebration of Christmas, and anyone can research this online and see the evidence for this.


I opened this video being a Christian and by the end of it I am an even stronger Christian. Blessings.


Out of his works came the Catholic Church and the Trinitarian beliefs of Catholicism. What this catholic church really was was a mix of the old pagan religion of Rome with selected verses from Jesus' (AS) real teachings. During this period the Catholic Church went on a rampage against anyone who had a copy of the original Injeel. Anyone espousing Unitarianism or the true teachings of Jesus were systematically wiped out.


Islam says that Jesus was a Jewish Prophet sent only to reaffirm the Jewish teachings exclusively to the Jews:

Matthew 15:22-24: - A Canaanite woman from that vicinity came to him, crying out, "Lord, Son of David, have mercy on me! My daughter is suffering terribly from demon-possession." (22) "Jesus did not answer a word. So his disciples came to him and urged him, "Send her away, for she keeps crying out after us." (23) He answered, "I was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel."(24)


The stone was sent by God to Abraham, Muslims neither revere it, believe that it has any power, or pray toward it specifically, (if it happens to be in the direction of prayer then so be it).


Most of these guidelines are shared by Christians such as modesty in dress, modesty in speech, punishment of adultery, homosexuality etc. We are sticking to our principles on this while Christians are allowing a lot of things to pass even though you have verses in the Bible clearly forbidding them, some of it has even entered the Church.


Al-Bukhari and AI-Tirmidhi related on the authority of Amir Ibn Rabia' who said, "I saw Omar Ibn Al-Khattab kissing the Black Stone, and I heard him say, `I know well that you are simply a stone, and have no power to confer a benefit or to do harm. Had I not seen the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace be upon him) kissing you, I would not have kissed you."' (5, v. 2, p. 175). AI-Bukhari and Al-Tirmidhi said it was a good and sound Hadith.


Two of the verses which I mentioned clearly say that they "fell" face down, not just that they turned their faces to the ground. As for the other two I suppose you could interpret your way, but then you could interpret my way as well. Many Jews and Christians also continue to pray by bowing and prostrating. And yes Muslims also stand for some part of their prayer.


Good job pastor. Well done. But I think that caller was a muslim in disguise


Proof from the Bible of Prophets Praying the Muslim Way:

Jesus (as): " Going a little farther, he fell with his face to the ground and prayed" (Matthew 26:39)

Moses (as): "Moses bowed to the ground at once and worshiped" (Exodus 34:8)

Moses and Aaron (as): "Moses and Aaron went from the assembly to the entrance to the tent of meeting and fell facedown, and the glory of the Lord appeared to them" (Numbers 20:6)

Abraham (as): "Abram fell facedown" (Genesis17:3)


Minute 5 question: "Why does Allah swear by the pen?"
Answer: Because the Pen is mightier then the Sword.


If you read the first verse in the second reference you'll see that it begins with the saying "Oh my servants" and goes on to mention that all their sins are forgiven i.e. Allah is referring only to those who already believe that He is the one and only God. The other two verses are referring to all of mankind and making it clear that setting up partners with God will not be forgiven. A "abd" or slave of God need not worry about this.


Sure but where did he say that he was dying for the sins of man, and that he is the Son of God. Here's the other point no one in the history of the Jewish scriptures ever predicted that a prophet would come to die for the sins of man. It doesn't make sense. Why should a little baby go to hell just because his parents were not christian and he/she wasn't baptized.


Well you can say what you want, we don't worship it or hold it exclusively for our service. Its just a stone and it was the habit of the Prophet (SAW) to kiss it so we kiss it, there's not much more to say. We worship God and God alone with no partners.


That Muslim drop the call like hot iron when the truth hit him. Yayayayata


Where does the hadith supercede the quran?


Then that contradicts this verse: "Do not think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I did not come to destroy but to fulfill" (Matthew 5:17) If you say that Jesus (AS) removed the restriction of eating Pork then I say to you that you are contending that he is removing i.e. destroying the law of old and bringing a new law, contrary to his word.


The first two verses which you've referred to have different context. The first is in context to carrying the burdens of others when you carry no responsibility for that persons sin. The second verse refers specifically to people who have knowingly misled those with little knowledge having to bear some of their blame/burden. But otherwise no one carries the burden or sin of anyone else if they had nothing to do with that sin.
